An annoying god and mutt

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The hunters are my pack, when a hunter joins the hunt I bite them and they become apart of my pack and become immortal. I am pretty sure it would change with me just blessing with a form when I am a god.

I finally came back after I regained my common sense after the two years, but I wasn't myself for another year.

I had learned my lesson and didn't go after Artemis anymore, afraid I would go feral again and hurt her.
She had finally confessed her love for me after the year and I hadn't believed her.

We got married two years later.

I knew I would have to listen to Dionysius, even though I'd didn't want believe it, he was right.
I could not , I would not hurt any of the quest members.

I few minutes later, after I had walked a few miles, I found the van. It was parked in front of a museum and the quest members were getting out.
I saw Annabeth, who looked excited, and Thalia, who looked bored. Grover was fiddling with hi fake feet. I saw Phoebe get out of the passengers side, she looked impassive as always.

I finally saw my daughter, Zoë.
I felt my face grow out into a large smile, it looked weird on my puppy form.
I started to bark in happiness, I would finally get to see Zoë after so many years.

I ran towards the van barking all the while. Thalia and Annabeth looked first and they were immediately on guard then Zoë and Phoebe followed.
I ran past Thalia, Phoebe, and Annabeth and jumped on Zoë, tackling her to the ground.

Zoë, I have missed you so much. I am so sorry that you had to see me die like that. I love you so much Zoë!
I said while jumping on her stomach.

Zoë screamed and she immediately pushed me off and scrambled into a fighting position. She was breathing heavily when she said loudly, "Whose mangy mutt is this?!! This dog just tackled me and started to jump up and down on my stomach!!"

I stopped smiling and glanced around at the rest. They were all on guard with their hands on their weapons.
Can she not hear me? I questioned myself.

Zoë!! I shouted in my head. Can you hear me now?

Packs could mind-message so we could communicate better.
Zoë was part of my pack and is my daughter.

She looked at me with no recognition. In fact she looked angry.

"I said, whose mutt is this?" Zoë shouted again.
I couldn't believe it! She called me a mutt!

I didn't know what to do now, so I just laid on my stomach and gazed up at them.

"Aww!" Phoebe said. "He's so cute. Let's just find out who the owner is later. We can take him into the museum with us!"

"I don't think he even wants to go back to his previous owner anyways. It looks like he has been abused, see the scars on his face? They are faint because of his fur, but it looks like they didn't heal properly." Thalia said worriedly.

"Yeah," Annabeth agreed, " We can take him for now."

I was surprised they could even see my scars. My fur was covering most of it.
Zoë sighed at their words and said, exasperated, "Fine. Bring the mutt for all I care!"
She stormed away to the museum in a huff.

Thalia gathered me into her arms and we followed Zoë into the museum.


I was already having a bad day, I really didn't need a mutt to make it worse.
First my mother goes missing and my father still hasn't showed up, then that stupid mutt came barreling towards me and knocked me down.
On top of it all I hadn't turned into my wolf form for a week!

After My Mom and Dad got married they decided to adopt me.
After they did so, my Dad bit me.
I loved my wolf form and Dad made sure to take me out everyday to release my wolf form.
I remember he used to lecture that I needed to transform at least once a day.
When I found out from Mom that he hadn't released his in years . . . . . I was astonished.
There must have been something keeping him from not changing for that long.
When the saytr, Grover, told my mother that something had happened with my Dad in his home life.
Then I connected the dots; something happened to him there to prevent him from changing into his wolf form.
He shouldn't have had to gone thought that.
He told me a long time ago that the fates cursed his life.
He said that when he was depressed and before he went feral for two years.
I didn't believe him then, but now I wasn't sure.

I trudged ahead of the demigods and Phoebe into the museum.
All of a sudden I heard barking and the stomping of feet.
I turned around to see the mutt running towards me again.
The dog ran right past me and stood in front of me growling, as if it was about to attack.
When everyone caught up to him they were out of breath.

"That dog is crazy!" Grover said panting, struggling to keep his fake feet on.

"He suddenly started to bark, jumped out of Thaila's arms, and raced in front of you!"

Annabeth looked thoughtful as she gazed at the mutt.
"Maybe..," she said slowly and hesitantly, "Maybe he isn't a normal dog. Maybe he is a very intelligent dog. Or he could be a werewolf."

"I don't recognize this dog. and even if he was a werewolf he would stay away from me just because of my status."

The group looked curious except Phoebe who was gazing at the museum with a blank face.

"What do you mean your status?" The saytr questioned.

"I mean since my father is technically the prince of werewolves, that makes me a princess of them. Also because of my strong scent. To other werewolves I am very powerful and my father has made so many enemies. . . . . . . . . . Let's just say that young pups are told never to mess with my father or his family. The saying is if you touch his family and crossed them in a bad way, he come back alive and take you down."

The demigods laughed a little.
"Percy is feared that much by others?" Annabeth questioned.

"Yes, he was very much feared. Many monsters ran when the hunt hunted them."

They all looked surprised except for Phoebe who was staring into the museum entrance along with the mutt.

Everyone was staring at Phoebe now.
"What is wrong, Phoebe?"

"Don't you smell that, it smells like cat manure." She looked surprised I couldn't smell anything, even before her.

"I haven't changed into my wolf in a week with worrying over my parents."

Phoebe looked worried now but didn't say anything. She knew what would happen if you neglected your wolf form, she was present when it happened to my father.

"It will be ok, Phoebe. I will change tonight after we are on our way, don't worry."
I said to ease her worries. She still looked worried but pacified to a degree.

"All right, I will hold you to that, Zoë," she shook her head, "anyway, let's head into the museum."

She walked with the mutt beside her and we followed her, still weary of the mutt, into the museum. Not paying any attention to the mutt who was giving me a disbelieving stare after Phoebe and I's conversation.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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