Chapter 3

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Tonye isn't your regular "neat freak" kind of girl. Her room is always in a mess, she could stay a day without having a bath and she didn't give a damn if she ate without washing her hands. But once she suddenly enters the hospital, tonye suddenly changes. She would walk like someone walking on hot coals, she wouldn't lean on anything, she didn't even sit cuz she was scared of what "disease-carrying-person" just sat down there. And if she was pressed, she would wait till she got home. She had often made fun of people who wanted to work in the medical field "why should I spend my day treating sick people who weren't careful with their lives, it's just plain freaky. Save their lives? Please, I'd rather save mine first".

Now she found herself here. As usual not sitting and not leaning on the wall. She made sure she kept her distance from the two women besides her. One had a hideous rash all over her body and shivered often, and the other, though sitting, coughed out blood. Tonye cringed. The peculiar smell of the antiseptics hospitals used made her even nauseous. "What in the world is the doctor discussing with that patient, or is she having twins in there? " with that she rolled her eyes. Few minutes after, the lady came out and tonye went in without hesitating.

"Wouldn't you sit", the doctor asked.
"No mam, I'd rather stand"
"Miss smart, we will take a while in here, so I advise that you sit down"
Tonye sighed, but before sitting, she made sure she placed a handkerchief on the seat. The doctor chuckled at that "so how may I help you".
"Well doctor, I've been feeling nauseous lately and I've also been adding weight. Not to mention how sluggish I've been.
"Have you engaged yourself in any intercourse lately."
"Yeeesss, see I have a boyfriend and we have sex all the time. But one day, he didn't use protection."
"Forgive me for asking, but how old are you?"
Tonye bit her lower lip "16!"
The doctor raised an eyebrow "how could she ruin herself at such a tender age? " she thought. "Well then miss smart, we can't confirm you're pregnant until we take this test. I'll give you this test tube and tomorrow you bring it back with your urine in it, understood?"
"Yes mam".
"Anything else?"
"I think that should be all for now, thank you."
"Enjoy the rest of your day"

Tonye walked out of the clinic with her head bowed down, "I know the lady thinks I'm a slut for getting pregnant at 16. She can think all she wants, love conquers all". A lot of things crossed her mind that day. Did Femi really love her like he said or was he just using her to satisfy his sexual desires. She had to admit the sex was fun, but after it, she felt dirty and used up. What if she's really pregnant, how would she break the news to him. And school, would she be carrying a baby bump in the exam hall, hell no!. She had often heard of girls in her school who got pregnant and dropped out of school because their boyfriends denied the pregnancy. Some of them even had to abort the child and ended up dying or damaging their wombs. "Femi won't let such things happen to me, he loves me." She heard a love song nearby and remembered their first kiss and how he always caressed her, she felt hope in her.

Let go and break freeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara