why do you have to be that arrogant?

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so this chapter maybe longer than the other but... enjoy ^^


"well. Don't mention it. Have you already make a friend with anyone? I saw you still moving around alone."

"hehe. Yeah... i guess..."

"i can be your friend then. Since your korean is not that good. You can speak english with me."

"actually she's already have a friend, sunbae-nim" suddenly, a familiar voice interrupted us.

"Oh. Sehun-ssi?"

"ne. Annyeonghaseyo, sunbae-nim. Cho nen Sehun imnida. Please take care of me."

"aahhh ne. I'm rap monster. Have you already know y/n before that dance practice time?"

"anieyo. I've just met her today. But i'll make sure she won't be lonely anymore because she has me."

Mwoya ige? (what is this?)

"ah, ne. So, i guess i'll leave y/n with you then. So, mmm please take care of her because i have to go."

"don't worry sunbae-nim. I'll take care of her even without your order."

"aahh, ne. Na kantaa (i'll go), y/n!" he said goodbye after patted my head a few times.


"So, what should we do then?" suddenly sehun spoke up and wake me up from my daydream.

"ahh ???"

"am i shocking you that much?" said sehun within his chuckle

"ahh anieyo, i'm just having a daydream"

"so, y/n-ssi, what should we do now?"


"aahhh cute" he chuckle again

"what do you mean? I don't understand"

"since you still have no friend in BigHit, i guess i should be the one. Beside now we have a free time. So why don't we going somewhere or just practicing here? I guess we need each other help"

His english is awe

"y/n ? am i that handsome?" his chuckle is so manly

OMG y/n what are you thinking?

"ahh i guess i need to take a shower first, sehun-ssi"

"OK. Then meet me here an hour later. And btw, stop that "ssi". That's really uncomfortable. You can call me oppa"

A/N: you can call me monster. I'm creeping in your heart babe. Oh OK i'm sorry


"yeah. I know you're younger than me, 1997 liners."

"OMO. Eottoke arassoyo? (re: how do you know?)"

"you don't have to know that. Well i go back to my dorm first and take a shower too. And one thing y/n, don't make me wait for you too long, arasseo?"

"ah ne. Sehun-ssi. Ah anieyo. Sehun oppa."

"good. Na kantaa (i'll go)" he shrug my messy hair and go


I've arrived in front of the dance practice room. I still can't see sehun oppa anywhere. I'm glad he doesn't have to wait for me. I'll be a reliable dongsaeng for him then.

That Arrogant SeniorWhere stories live. Discover now