Perplexing Him

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"y/n, do you have time today at 7 pm?"

"ahh ne, do you call this as a date, oppa?" i'm literally blushing.

"well, if you consider that then just call it a date, maybe?"

WHAT????? I'm being delusional right now.


"hahaha. Dating in a recording room? Not bad, y/n"

"ah no, oppa. I'm just joking"

"hahaha you're cute when you blushing" he said while stroking my hair like his little puppy.

"oppa, are you being serious right now?"

"well, actually i need your help to make a music tonight but if you want things go far to something to be called as a date, i guess i can"


"oppa, you're so funny"

"i'm trying, y/n"


"i think you looked pale lately, i guess you need something to refresh your mind. Well, i think it's a lame joke but yeah at least i try to make you smile, y/n. I won't ask you why but if you don't want anyone to know your problem, i guess i shouldn't ask then"

"oppa ..."



"for what?"

"for everything. You always there for me whenever my ups and downs. I don't know you're not deserve just a "thanks" but i have nothing to give you beside a "thanks". I'm sorry i couldn't just say everything to you. It's not because i don't trust you or whatsoever. I did trust you but there's something that makes me hold back my mouth to spit out my thoughts that had been disturbed me lately"

"it's okay, my princess. You can tell me when the right time comes"

"what if 'the right time' never comes?"

"well i guess that'll be a reason for such an answer, y/n"

"ne? I don't get it"

"mmm nevermind, y/n. Well don't forget 7 pm! Aahh i almost forget this. If you really don't have the urge to share your thoughts straight forward, you can spit that through your poem or music. Sounds good, right? Well, don't be late. You know i hate waiting"

"okay, oppa"

"especially waiting for you to realize that i've always been here for a reason" rapmon oppa said mumbling


"ah nevermind. What kind of gibberish that i said"


7pm @recording room

"annyeonghaseo" i said while peeking at the recording door

"ah eoh, come in" said suga oppa's raspy voice

"ohh oppa? Where's namjoon oppa?"

"so you hate me being here?" he sounds irritated

"aah no no. Don't take it wrong. I asked you just because i have an appointment with him in this room"

"aahh, so that's why. I thought that you want to flirt with me or something"


"hahahaha. Rapmon's right. You're so cute when you panicked i guess that's why he kept talking about you all the time"

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