The bodyguard, that's what I'm calling him, beating her arm and reaching behind to find a grip. I strain to keep my eyes open, so I don't miss anything, as he pulls her by her bright red hair. He yanks it so hard he manages to pull out a large chunk.

"Leave her alone!"

I stand up to run towards them and I'm thrown back by a kick in my stomach. Astra, now with long blonde hair, stands before me and barks, "Stay out of this!"

Wasn't she just holding this guy in a death grip?

I rub my aching stomach and try to gain my bearings.

What the hell happened to her hair? I'm so confused! What the hell is going on?!

I continue to watch as they fight. Both of them are moving inhumanely fast. My eyes aren't keeping up. They almost looked like they were teleporting from one side of the large open field to the other. Punching, kicking, doing aerial kicks that I couldn't even describe.

What is her end goal? They're both unarmed, so I don't think they're trying to kill each other. It just looks like they were trying to beat the crap out of one another.

Bodyguard made a beeline for me. I scramble to move behind the mustang.  He's on me before I could even take three steps. Choking me! I thrash underneath him, trying to knock him off of me. But it's getting hard. The light is beginning to grow dim.

I take a deep breath of fresh air, the light returns, and there is no heavy weight threatening to crush my rib cage. Even managed to sit up and see Astra is crouched protectively in front of me. Her long blonde hair tied in two thick messy braids.

"I told you to stay away from him!"

(You should turn off the music here.)

I've never heard her sound so fierce. Her voice isn't monotone at all now. Bodyguard pulls out the gun again.

"Astra, move", he said firmly.

He wasn't asking. That was an order.

Astra straightens herself and replies, "No."

He points the gun at her. "Move or I'll shoot through you."

Damn! That's hardcore. He's willing to kill her too?

His statement is followed by a tense silence. I barely breathe for fear of somehow causing him to shoot her and me.  I close my eyes and wait for the worst. I didn't want to watch Astra stand aside or see Bodyguard fire his gun.

The sound of firework explosions fill the air and I wait for the bullets to hit me. Instead I heard Bodyguard curse. I open my eyes and see Bodyguard is looking to his right.

I look over and see a young woman standing on the roof of a large military vehicle with a smoking gun pointed upwards. She looks Middle Eastern.

India? Or Pakistan?

She wore a ridiculously short gray skit with long baby blue stockings and a black top. Her hair was a shocking rainbow mixed with hues of blue and purple.

"For the love of Magi, Bear Ringer! I leave you alone for five minutes and you're already lunging at her throat?"

She jumps down and Bear Ringer, eyes glowing, caught her neatly in his arms. I look to the spot where he was just standing.

How does he do that?!

Bear Ringer set her down.  The Rainbow Girl suddenly looks over at me.

She gestures to me with her gun, "And who the hell is that?"

I involuntarily take a step back as Astra blocks my view of Rainbow Girl. I heard her burst out laughing and curiosity makes me take a peek over Astra's shoulder.

"I'm sorry. That must've sounded terrifying with this in my hand." 

She holsters the gun. Bear Ringer stands attentively at her side and the realization hits me. This girl, whoever she is, is above Bear Ringer.

"Let's try that again", Rainbow Girl flashes a bright smile at Astra, "Who is the boy with you?"

I could feel the stony defiance radiating from Astra's back. Rainbow Girl's smile falters.

"I see...."

She gasps horrified. "Astra! You're bleeding!"

You just noticed that now?

Bear Ringer walks to Astra and lifts her up into his arms. She didn't resist. So I guess these people are...allies? Even though they were punching each other just a few minutes ago?

Rainbow Girl gestures for me to follow as she begins walking back to the military looking car with Bear Ringer in tow. I hesitate when Astra peeks over Bear Ringer's shoulder with pleading eyes. Why is she looking at me like that? Wasn't re-grouping with her cell the plan all along?

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