When we were in the car, on our way back to her apartment, Gerry went on about how we were gonna be happy and good parents but I didn't say anything back. By the time we pulled up at her place, she got the message that I wasn't interested. She got out and slammed the door, growling, annoyed at me.

After I pulled away, angry at myself, I drove straight to my parents house in the country. I loved my family home. It was on an estate. The grounds extended over two acres.
The smell of the trees and flowers made me think of my nanna.
My grandparents lived with us when I was growing up. She use to love taking me for walks and picnics in the fields and picked wild flowers. My mom and dad was always at the hospital and my nanna looked after my sister and I.
I parked my car and walked around the back, wanting to surprise my parents.
My mom was in the kitchen and I could smell she was busy baking.
"Hi, mom," I said and she turned, opening her arms for me.
"Rheese...it's wonderful to see you again." I walked over to her, welcoming her outstretched arms.
"Where's dad, mom. I need to talk to both of you," I said, stepping out of her hug.
"Your dad's in the study. I hope it's nothing serious. Come...let's go find him."
We walked to the study and found my dad sitting on his chair reading the newspaper.
"Rheese, my boy. What you doing back so soon."
"I had something's I needed to sort out, dad. I have something to tell you and mom."

I told my mom and dad about Gerry being pregnant and that it could be mine.
My dad didn't say much but my mom was angry at Gerry, thinking she could trap me like this, knowing that she has been the one pursuing me for years.
I also had to tell my parents about me moving to South Africa and about Liz and hoped they would be fine with my decisions.
"Mom, dad, that's not all." I hesitated before continuing. "I'm thinking of taking a post as head plastic surgeon in Cape Town. Oh, and I've met someone on my holiday. Her name's Elizabeth."
My mom started crying and my dad had to console her.
"Mom, you can come over to visit. And it's a great opportunity for me. Don't cry, please," I said and hugged her.

' Why was it that the women I loved ended up crying.'

"I'm just being silly. I'm glad you finally found someone but still sad your leaving. When are we going to meet her? I like her name. It's very... english," my mom replied, still sniffling.
"When I'm settled you and dad can come over and then you can meet Liz. You'll love Cape Town," I said, walking over to her and kissing her forehead. My mom eventually calmed down after telling her that they could come visit me and asked me to stay for dinner.
My dad and I talked for a while on the research I was doing, while my mom was preparing dinner.
It was early evening when I said goodbye and left, going back to my house on the river Thames. The snow layed thick, covering everything like a blanket.
It was a few days before christmas and I wanted to surprise Liz with something special. I would have to phone Keith and ask him to do me another favour.


My alarm went off and I opened my eyes to a new day. It was Monday morning and I have forgotten to switch my alarms off for work.
I got out of bed and went to make me coffee. I had to get my morning fix.
As I passed the coffee table, I saw my cell and the pregnancy test stick laying on it. Seeing it made me realise it was not a dream but a reality.
I was pregnant.
I sank down to the floor beside the coffee table and picked up my cell.
When I switched it on, I saw a text from Rheese.
I opened up the message and started reading.
' I miss you, baby. Not able to sleep without you tonight. The one who holds my HEART. I love you.'
I stared at the screen and placed my hand over my tummy. If things didn't work out with Rheese, I would still have a part of him with me.
I was glad he send a message and didn't call me. I didn't know if I would keep it together if I had to talk or see his face. I text him back saying, ' I miss you too, blue eyes!'

Could It Be Forever (Book 1, Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now