Angel: "Shut up, Cella! It's not what you think it is! Probably it's just a random text or something! She CAN'T be the Werewolf!"

Cella: "Oh my God, Angel. Why are you ALWAYS on her side?! Are you like, her GUARDIAN or something?!"

Angel: "No! You could point on people like you did before, but I can't stand up for someone that I think is innocent?! That's not fair at all!"

Cella: "You know what? Just shut up, Angel! I don't want to hear your opinion right now. Guys, what do you think?"

Yezki: "So, do you think she's the murderer?"

Cella: "Of course she is the murderer! Or at least, ONE of the murderers!"

Cella shouted.

Cella: "Don't you guys see?? The message was SO obvious that it's her. She must be in on it!"

Angel: "Guys, this is stupid!"

Cella: "I said SHUT UP, Angel!"

Cella glared at Angel.

Cella: "Guys. We can't just sit and do nothing. We gotta act, NOW."

Ed: "I agree. If we don't do anything, the Werewolves will kill every one of us like what they did to our friends."

Yezki: "Yeah, but what are we gonna do?"

The group went silent.

Cella: "You know what? Why don't we just VOTE?"

Angel: "Wait, what?!"

Yezki: "Vote?!"

Cella: "Damn right, we VOTE."

Angel: "What the hell does that mean?!"

Ed: "You mean, we vote to kill somebody?"

Cella: "That's exactly what I mean."

They all looked at Cella.

Angel: "Cella, you're INSANE. You can't just vote like that! We can't just kill somebody that easily! The police will do their job!"

Cella: "Oh COME ON. You KNOW the police didn't do anything about this case. They're stupid. Only WE can stop this. We start it, and we end it. First, it's Jason, then Tiffany, and now it's Toby. Do you guys want for that to happen again?! One of us being murdered every night?! So I say, we VOTE, and we END this thing! And one more thing, it's obvious that the killer is NADINE."

Yezki: "But Cella, Angel's right. Are you out of your mind? Killing someone is NEVER the right thing to do. We'll all end up in prison, and-"

Josephine: "Let's do it."

They all looked at Josephine.

Yezki: "What?!"

Josephine: "I said, let's do it. Let's vote."

Cella smirked.

Cella: "There you go, guys. Josephine said it all. We VOTE."

Angel: "You guys are insane."

Josephine: "Screw it, Angel! I'm so tired of this! I don't want us to get killed anymore. And don't say that I'm insane, I'm protecting all of you!"

Their eyes widen in shock.

Yezki: "I'm not into this, okay? I may just vote, but I don't wanna be the one doing the killing."

Ongky: "Me too."

Josephine: "That's fine. I'll do it. Alone."

They looked at Josephine, shocked.

Angel: "Josephine. You're not thinking straight!"

Josephine: "Whatever, Angel. Now vote. Me? I vote Nadine."

Angel: "You're really doing this?!"

Ed: "I vote Nadine."

Cella: "I vote Nadine. Ongky?"

Angel: "You know what, Cella? You're a bitch. I'm gonna vote you. Planning all this voting is what a killer would do, isn't it?"

Yezki: "That's what I was thinking the whole time."

They went silent.

Ongky: "Maybe you are the Werewolf, Cella."

Cella: "Oh my God, are you being SERIOUS right now??! 3 minutes ago I was trying to protect all of us but then you chose me?!"

Yezki: "I vote Cella."

Ongky: "I vote her, too."

Cella: "Screw you guys!!"

Everyone looked at Kelly.

Josephine: "That leaves you, Kelly. It's a tie. Who do you vote?"

Kelly hesitated for minutes. But then, she made a final decision.

Kelly: "Nadine."

Cella smirked.

Angel: "No.. no.."

Cella: "It's all settled, guys. We're going to kill Nadine."

Josephine: "No. I'm the one to kill her."

Cella: "Josephine, why?"

Josephine: "Looked like she wanted me the most. So I'll confront her by myself and end this thing."

Ed: "Josephine, I'll go with you."

Josephine looked at Ed.

Josephine: "You don't have to do that."

Ed: "No. I'll go with you, no matter what."

Josephine hesitated for a moment.

Josephine: "Fine. I'm gonna go to Nadine's house with Ed, tonight."

Cella nodded her head and smirked.

The rest looked at each other in fear. Josephine's not on her right mind. Things are getting completely insane.

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