Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

November 3rd

Winter was my least favourite season. The house, despite having the heater on was still cold so both Andy and I were curled up on the couch. His arms wrapped around my waist as I curled into his side, American Horror Story playing on the tv. If I remembered correctly we were watching Asylum, the second season of the famous tv series. Bailey, the puppy Andy had gotten me, was curled up at my feet. His hot breath fanning over my feet as my eyes drooped as I tried to focus on what was playing on the tv.

"Hey, lets go to bed," Andy whispered quietly.

Humming in response, I stood up and rubbed my eyes as a yawn passing my lips as I picked up Bailey and followed Andy upstairs. My feet shuffling along the carpet as we made our way upstairs. Crawling under the cold covers I watched as Andy pulled his shirt and socks off before climbing into bed beside me. His arms wrapping around my torso as his cold hands rested on my waist.

Looking up at Andy I smiled at him as the sleep started taking over, "Night," I mumbled.

As sleep took over I almost didn't hear the gentle whisper of words as Andy's fingers lightly traced patterns on my lower back.

"I love you."


The feeling of a wet tongue licking my face and covering it with slobber was not what I wanted to wake up to. Squinting my eyes open I pushed Bailey away from my face as I sat up in bed, my nose scrunched in disgust as I wiped Bailey's slobber off my face. Looking down at the small dog he smiled at me as his tongue lolled out of his mouth.

"I love you too but you don't need to wake me up like that Bay," I mumbled to the dog.

Bailey just smiled in response before licking his nose. Looking around I let out a sigh as I realised Andy had already left, I didn't even realise that he had. Reaching over to my nightstand I grabbed my phone.

One New Message

From Andy: Hey Alex, sorry I'm not there. I know I said I'd spend the day with you and set up the baby room but our manager has called us in. I'll be back late tonight. We can do the room tomorrow. See you later x

Texting back a quick 'okay, be careful' I climbed out of bed and attempted to tame my hair that looked like a birds nest. Wincing I pulled the brush through the tangles in attempt to tame it. After a few minutes I gave up and threw my hair into a bun, not caring about the pieces of hair that were sticking out at weird angles. Walking downstairs I started making a cup of tea, my fingers tapping along the bench as I waited for the kettle to boil. Pouring the water into the cup I jumped at the loud knocking coming from the door.

Ignoring the cup for a minute I walked to the front door, my hand grasping the brass door knob. Pulling the door open I stood there in shock. 

"Carter?" I stuttered as I stared up at him.

His cheeks a burning shade of pink as he stood there, opening my mouth in confusion I closed it once more. I hadn't seen Carter for months and now...

"Alex, it's... It's nice to see you," Carter whispered.

Trying to bat away the awkwardness I stood back from the door, "Come in, I was just making tea."

As Carter entered the house I felt nervous. I had no reason to be, but something felt off. Leading the way to the kitchen I made my tea before making a second cup for Carter. Turning around I looked at Carter, his eyes darting around the room as he sat at one of the stools that was placed on the other side of the island.

"How've you been?" I asked as I sipped on the hot liquid.

"Busy, I've been helping my dad with some things, I've almost finished my course at college. Which is good. What about you? I haven't seen you in a while, I asked Sophia and she said I could find you here," Carter answered as he traced the rim of his cup. A habit he had since he was a kid for when he was nervous.

"Oh I didn't know you and Soph were talking again," I mumbled into the cup.

"Sorta," Carter mumbled.

"Cart, what's wrong? You're nervous, is it exams?"

"Nah, not the exams. I can ace those. It's more what I've been asked to do," Carter answered as he looked away from me.

Looking at Carter I felt panic rise in my blood as I stared at him.

"What do you.. uh... have to do?" I whispered as I looked at him.

"Sorry Alex," Carter whispered. 

"For wha-" 

I had barely finished the sentence when a fist flew at my face. My eyes widening in shock and horror as I feel to the ground, my head hitting the hard tile floors as I groaned in pain. My eyes closed from the pain as I started slipping into unconsciousness. 

"I'm sorry Alex," Carter whispered.

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