Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine
The Same Day

I laughed as I ran after Andy. My finger's interwined with his as we ran across the park. As I ran, laughing my head off at stupid things I realised how happy I was. This was the first time I'd been happy with someone other than Sophie. I giggled hiding behind a tree as Andy and I decided to play the most childish game ever. Hide and seek. I giggled, biting down on my lip as Andy ran around trying to find me. I sighed closing my eyes. I felt free for a change.

"Roar!" Andy yelled.

My eyes shot open as I squealed. My cheeks burned red as Andy laughed at me. I smirked as I dodged past him and started running. I laughed as my hair whipped out behind me. I squealed out as Andy tackle hugged me onto the soft, green grass. I laughed as he laid on top of me laughing his head off. My laughture stopped as Andy started leaning in. His lips inching closer and closer to mine as his eyes closed. My heart ached as I closed my eyes, my lips reaching up to find his.

I smiled as our lips finally connected. I could feel butterflies flying around in my stomach and exploding into thousands of tiny fireworks. I giggled as my fingers knotted themselves into his hair. Andy growled as he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth. I pulled away when I heard the sound of a familiar voice shouting out my name. My eyes widened. Phil.... Andy frowned as I rolled out from under him and started running.

"Alex stop!" Andy shouted as he chased after me.

I stopped running when I was finally out of breath. Andy spun me around and hugged me tightly.

"Alex don't worry 'bout him. Just," Andy paused. "Just come stay with me," he whispered.

I looked up at Andy's eyes and noticed how sincere and sad they looked. I sighed.

"Alright," I whispered.

Andy smiled and crashed his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"You fucking slut!" a deep, slurry voice shouted out.

My eyes widened as I pulled away from Andy's kiss. Andy turned around to look at a drunken Phil. I swallowed deeply as I hid behind Andy, my face buried into his back. Andy wrapped his right arm around my shoulders and pulled my to his side as I stood there cowering in fear. Phil just gave me a drunken smirk.

"Come back to me Alex otherwise your punishment will be worse than what it already is," Phil said with a hiss.

"She's not going back to you now or ever. She's staying with me where she'll be safe," Andy growled at Phil.

Phil just glared at Andy.

"Stay out of this boy. She's just a good for nothing slut," Phil spat.

"Don't you ever call her a slut!" Andy shouted.

"Andy please stop," I whispered.

Andy looked down at me and nodded sadly. He turned us around and walked us towards his motorbike. I climbed on the back and hugged Andy tightly. I was more scared than I'd ever been. Maybe this was a bad idea?

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