Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Okay I promised you guys three chapters (I didn't forget about you guys, I love you too much to forget), I'm going to try and finish this story soon, hopefully you'll like the ending and not hit me. I'll also make a small playlist for you guys, it'll have songs by Black Veil Brides and others (including pop songs) because the sound and lyrics mean heaps more than you'll realise, or that song inspired me to write. Love you's,


Chapter Seventeen

October 1st

It'd almost been a month since I'd last talked to Andy, the day when I told him I was keeping the baby and he just stormed out. Looking around my room I let out a long sigh, there wasn't much for me to pack but still it was painful, the memories before Phil were overwhelming, yet here I was moving out. It was for the best, I was moving into an apartment with Sophie a few blocks away from the hospital. Somehow she'd managed to become serious in her attempt to help me out. Of course I had the inheritance my mum had left me years ago and the money that was coming in from the house being sold.

Picking up the last box I walked down the stairs and placed it near the front door, rubbing my hands over my stomach I tried to think clearly. Sophie had helped me make the decision. I would keep the baby, but once it was born we'd put it up for adoption. This way I didn't have to feel horrid for not being able to support the two of us, I was trying to get better and I didn't need to bring a baby into the equation. It also meant that I wouldn't be killing an innocent life either.

I jumped at the sound of a door being knocked on, opening the door I stood there, shell shocked. His black hair had been dyed to its natural light brown, his blue eyes boring holes through me as I stared at him. His teeth chewing on the inside of his cheek.

"Uh... Hi?" I whispered.

"Hey, Alex, can I... Can I come in please?" Andy asked nervously.

Nodding my head, a little too eagerly, I stepped back from the door so that Andy could walk in. As soon as he did I closed the door and walked into the longue room, sitting awkwardly on the brown couch. After a few seconds Andy followed suit and sat next to me, his arms covered in a long sleeved black shirt and a leather jacket, his legs clad in dark blue jeans.

"So what's up?" I asked, unable to think of anything else to say.

Andy looked at me with blue eyes, his pink lips pulled into a tight line as his eyes flickered to my stomach. A blush rose to my cheeks as I wrapped my arms around my abdomen as if to protect the baby.

"So you kept it," Andy stated, staring at my arms.

"If this is what you came here to say then leave, I'm not in the mood for another one of these conversations," I stated as I stood up.

"No I just... I thought you changed your mind that's all," Andy said awkwardly.

"Then why are you here? I don't have all day Andy," I spoke, my voice showing irritation.

"I wanted to apologise for what I said at the hospital, I just... I thought you felt abliged to keep the baby."

"I don't feel abliged to keep it. I'm keeping it because it's an innocent human who didn't mean to come into this world, and I explained that too you. But you just stormed out of the hospital," I stated, crossing my arms over my chest.

"And I'm sorry for that, let me take you out somewhere, anywhere you want," Andy rushed.

"I have things I need to do Andy."

"Please Alex, I want to make it up to you," Andy shouted as he stood up. Flinching I took a step away from Andy, panic coursing through my body.

"Leave Andy," I whispered.

"I can help you. I'll try my best to help you and the baby out!"

"Once the baby is born I'm giving it up for adoption," I whispered.

Andy looked at me in shock, "then what's the point of keeping it?"

"Because that way I feel like I've carried the baby into the world, instead of killing it."

"There are high chances the baby won't get to know a real family, I'll help you look after it Alex. We can do this together," Andy begged. I watched Andy curiously with large blue orbs, biting my lip I looked away from him. I knew that if I kept looking into his piercing blue eyes that I'd give in and say yes. The idea of Andy chasing the baby around and helping me take care of it instead of giving it up was a bittersweet thought that I needed to get rid of.

"Andy just stop," I spoke, trying to sound strong knowing it was the complete opposite. "You don't need someone who's trying to recover from this and is going to rehab, you especially don't need a baby to look after. You're on the road playing music for crying out loud. I'm not stupid, you'd hardly be there and when you were you'd be exhausted all the time. I can't do that, the baby will be happier going to another family, a family that can't have a baby," I reasoned.

Andy stood there in shock as he looked at me, his mouth parted in an 'o'.

"We're actually on break for a while, we're deciding if we want to actually play music or just stop. We don't have many gigs anymore and our management might be dropping us (please don't be angry I don't know if this is actually happening or not it's made up)."

"It's still too much for you. It's too much for me even. I know I'm mentally unstable right now, I'm getting help, trying to get better and everything. I can't bring a child into that and make it suffer because I'm not well."

"I'll help you get better, then we can look after the baby. You and I," Andy spoke, his voice almost convincing.

"Andy, I've made up my mind stop trying to change it. It's not happening now can you please leave?" I shouted. My body shaking with anger and hurt as tears welled up in my eyes.

Looking up I was met with a warm embrace, strong arms pulling me into a firm chest as the tears started falling. Wrapping my arms around Andy's waist without thinking about it, my heart pounding loudly in my chest as the tears continued to fall, each one of them soaking Andy's shirt. Andy's deep voice saying soothing things as I cried like a baby, my arms felt like a vice around his waist as I stood there crying, his strong arms keeping me pressed against his warm body. After my sobs ceased I pulled away from Andy, wiping the tears away with the palm of my hands.

"I'll take care of both of you. I promise you that Alex," Andy said with a smile as he cupped my cheeks. A smile on both our faces as we stared at each other, blue staring into blue.


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