Unexpected Visitor

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      Abigail followed Mitchell up the street to his flat since it wasn't very far. He opened the door and offered to take her coat, which she thanked him for. "I'm gonna head into the kitchen and see what George is making for dinner, make yourself comfortable and I'll be right back," he said smiling before walking into the kitchen. Abigail began looking around the dimly lit room there were two couches and an arm chair. A fire place and entertainment center with a T.V. The room wasn't exactly tidy but this didn't surprise Abigail in the least, what did was the girl who softly came bounding down the stairs. They stared at one another for a moment before Abigail spoke up, "Um, hi I'm Abigail. Are you a flat mate of Mitchell's?" The girl on the stairs seemed surprised to be spoken to since she was normally never seen except for the boys in the kitchen. "Uh, yeah, I'm Annie. So, this might sound weird but... You can see me?" Annie replied in surprise. "Well of course I can, why wouldn't I be able to?" Suddenly Mitchell came into the room, "George is making spaghetti, with meat sauce and meatballs, and garlic bread." He then noticed the two women staring at each other in confusion. "So, I see you've met Annie. She's our resident ghost," he paused a moment, "Annie this is Abigail, she's a friend of mine." Mitchell added, putting emphasis on the word friend. Realization slowly etched its way across the ghost girl's face at her flat mate's words. "Oh! Well that explains things better." Abigail nodded as well, now understanding Annie's shock at being seen.

      "Well I hate to interrupt whatever might be going on in here, but dinner is ready." George suddenly announced, popping his head 'round the corner from the kitchen. Abigail smiled at the distraction from the slightly awkward situation and followed George into the kitchen leaving Mitchell and Annie to follow as well. The kitchen smell almost reminded Abigail of Italy, a time long passed that she had enjoyed with a long forgotten friend, "This smells amazing George, and I can't wait to taste it." George quietly thanked her as they all sat in their seats and began filling their plates. The room grew silent except for the silverware clinking against the dishes. Mitchell kept stealing glances at Abigail, trying to gauge her thoughts on his flat mates and his flat, her face glowing with a smile and full mouth turned to look back. After swallowing her food Abigail asks, "So, what do you have planned for after dinner Mitchell?" This caused Mitchell to choke on his drink as he realized he had nothing planned except for dinner. Annie, noticing her friend's discomfort, spoke up. "Usually we just sit and watch the tellie. These boys love there 'The Real Hustle'" The two men grinned widely while nodding their heads.

      Once dinner was finished Abigail insisted that she help George with the dishes while Annie and Mitchell picked up the living room some. "So, how long have you been 'on the wagon' as Mitchell likes to say?" George asked trying to make conversation. "About a century, I guess. I'm much older than Mitchell actually in terms of being alive and turned, but I think I'm younger than him in actual age." Abigail explained as if it was the most natural thing to discuss over dishes. "I was only twenty when I was turned," she added quietly, thinking of the life that was taken from her. Once they were finished the pair joined the others in the living room; Annie curled up in the arm chair, George stretched out on one couch, and Abigail sitting with Mitchell on the other. They all sat watching 'The Real Hustle' they talked about what they would watch after, "I rather fancy crummy inaccurate horror movies to be honest." Abigail voiced, gaining a laugh from the other supernatural beings that she found herself so comfortable with.

      That's exactly what the quartet found themselves doing however, once their show went off they took turns picking out old horror movies to watch and laugh at. Some point into the evening however George and Annie peeked over at the new comer who had grown quiet over the last hour to find her snuggled into Mitchell with her head on his shoulder, fast asleep. "Should you wake her to go home?" George asked softly so as not to disturb their guest. Mitchell shook his head and proceeded to carry her up the stairs and tuck her into his bed before returning to the living room to spend the night on the couch.

       The next morning a loud shrill ringtone echoed in the quiet flat startling Abigail from her slumber and leaving her confused at her surroundings. "Doctor Moss," the voice of a hospital nurse called as Abigail answered the call. "Yes, this is Doctor Moss," she replied clearing her throat, "Is something wrong?" The nurse proceed to explain that there had been some type of attack and they had a full E.R. with victims of blood loss. Abigail quickly pushed herself up out of the soft, warm bed and made her way down the stairs and out the front door. She hung up the phone as she got into her car speeding off to the hospital with one thought on her mind, Vampires.

       The emergency room exploded with sensory overload as Abigail rushed through the doors and into the back to get changed. Thankfully she kept a change of scrubs at the hospital just for such occasions and she was changed in minutes. People were spread all around the E.R. and as she approached the nurses station finishing tying up her hair another doctor stood and smiled grateful for the help. The rest of the morning was filled with blood transfusions and surgery to stop the bleeding in some of the more severely injured patients. All the while Abigail spent her time trying to recognize any familiar scent on the victims, which proved difficult through the blood, but then she found one that set off alarm bells when it hit her nose like a hammer


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