A chance meeting

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Okay so here it is Mitchell in all his glory and my original characer Abigail... Hope you like it!!!!


"Doctor Moss please report to the O.R., Doctor Moss to the O.R." A voice calls over the P.A. system. A young woman stands up from the table she occupied alone in the lunch room of the hospital. As she begins walking towards the exit she ties her shoulder length black hair up into a bun. The automatic door that leads into the scrub-in-room opens and Doctor Moss walks in placing her two rings in the pocket of her scrub gown. She then begins the process of scrubbing in; Washing and scrubbing her nails, hands, and arms all the way to her elbows. She then puts on her scrub shirt tucking it in at the edges. She puts on her shoe covers, surgical cap, mask, and eye protection before nodding that she is ready for surgery, "I'm scrubbed." She then enters the operating room. "What do we have?" She asks the circulating nurse as she steps up to the young man ion the operating table. "Motor vehicle accident, two persons involved, this one is Caucasian, male, approximate age thirty-eight, height five foot ten, one hundred and seventy pounds." The nurse begins to rattle off the mans stats as Doctor Moss moves into position to begin surgery. "What is the patients injuries?" She inquires examining the man as the nurse speaks again. "He has sever lacerations to his face and arms, deep tissue bruising and possible internal bleeding in his abdomen from the seat belt, possible broken clavicle." Doctor Moss nods, "Okay lets check the abdominal area to make sure there is no internal bleeding then we will suture the necessary lacerations and get him into X-ray for the clavicle." The nurse brings in an ultrasound machine and places the jelly on the mans stomach where the bruising is, then she moves the paddle across the same path to see if there is any bleeding. "It looks like there is a tear at the bottom of his stomach where it meets the intestines," Doctor Moss says noticing it right away, "Let's get him open and clamp it off, call for," she pauses looking over at the mans medical chart, "a pint of AB and have another prepped just in case." She orders to the nurses.

          Once they have opened the mans abdomen she sees that the bleeding is worse than the ultrasound previously showed and the surgical team quickly sets about stopping him from losing too much. They clamp off the tear to stop the bleeding and begin to place sutures in the proper places to allow the wound to heal. The surgery seems to drag by and  Doctor Moss moves with speed and efficiency as she closes the opening they had made to stop the bleeding. She then moves on to place sutures in several of the lacerations on the mans face and arms before clearing him to be moved off to X-Ray while they prep for surgery if the mans clavicle is in fact broken. After a short time they return the man to the operating room for more surgery. After a total of six hours the man is finally cleared to be taken up to the intensive care unit and the surgical team is cleared to scrub out. Doctor Moss steps out into the waiting room and calls for the mans family, consisting of a woman in her mid-thirties and a small boy no more than eight. "Mrs. Anderson, I'm Abigail Moss, your husbands surgeon." She says smiling at the mans family. "My husband, is he alright, did he make it?" The woman asks frantically on the verge of tears. "Yes ma'am, your husband is being moved to the ICU and you'll be able to see him in a couple of hours when the anesthesia wears off. I wanted to let you know ahead of time however, he suffered sever cuts to his face and arms that will heal fairy quickly, he also suffered internal bleeding that we will need to monitor for several weeks along with the break to his clavicle." Abigail explained. "He should make a full recovery and be back to his old self in about 12 weeks or so." The woman smiled brightly hugging her son, "Thank you Doctor Moss for everything." Abigail nods to the woman with a smile before turning to head down to her office.

          Six o'clock finally rolls around and Abigail finishes up the last of her paperwork from her clinic hours that afternoon, tucking the files away in the cabinet she grabs her shoulder bag and makes her way out of the building. Two porters from the main part of the hospital stood at the corner looking as if they were arguing. Now normally Abigail wouldn't have bothered but at the moment, due to the events prior, she felt compelled to ask if they needed help. She brought her black BMW 320D SE to a stop as her window went down. "Are you guys okay? Do you need a ride somewhere?" She asked looking them over. The first is slightly taller if only a tad with extremely short brown hair and blue eyes stashed away behind his wire rimmed glasses. He was probably about six feet tall and was slightly on the scrawny side but there was still a definition of muscle under his blue scrubs. The other man had shoulder length black hair that was fairly wavy to the point of almost being curly, he had hazel eyes and slightly more muscle showing than the other man. The two of them look back and forth between each other and Abigail before the shorter one gets a wide smile that seems to engulf his face, "Sure! That would be wonderful if it's not too much trouble." His Irish accent was thick and lush, his voice seeming genuinely excited. The other man however, looked almost weary of getting in the car with someone he didn't particularly know. "I'm Abigail, by the way, Abigail Moss." She offered trying to ease the mans mind. "John Mitchell, but everyone calls me Mitchell the shorter man says still grinning ear to ear, "And that's my flat mate George, don't mind him it's been a long day of cleaning the O.R. for him." George seems flustered by Mitchell's admission about his day. It wasn't as if he didn't like his job it had just been particularly unenjoyable that day. A small apologetic look crosses Abigail's face, "Ah, I'm afraid that was probably my fault, I had a difficult surgery today. It took me about six hours and he had sever internal bleeding." Both men look at her and then move to get in her car, Mitchell in the passenger seat and George in the back.

          As she pulls out of the hospital parking lot onto the main road Mitchell begins explaining where there flat is located and Abigail realizes that it's only a few houses down from hers. "So, what's it like being a doctor?" Mitchell asks as they ride down the road. Abigail thinks for a moment before replying, "Sometimes it really sucks and I wonder why I do it, but most of the time I love my job." George nods silently as Mitchell grows in excitement at having a normal conversation. All too quickly they are pulling in Abigail's driveway and up to the two story brick home. As they get out Mitchell's arm catches on her car door causing a long but shallow cut on his arm. The blood begins to rise and bubble up so they both thank her and begin to walk away towards there own home, and as Mitchell turns to wish her a goodnight he sees a sight that leaves him speechless. Abigail's eyes are jet black!


Dun dun dun! Hope you like it. Feedback is appreciated. P.S. I do not own any of the BBC Being Human characters or plot lines only my own characters and ideas. No copyright infringement intended. :) Also this is dedicated to nerdybirdy66

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