Hopeful Plans

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Sorry it took so long between work and the weather it has been crazy around here, ice and snow! yay :) but here is the next chapter please keep the comments coming


 Abigail sighed heavily as she poured her third glass of wine and carried it back to the couch where she had been curled up watching films for the last two hours. 'I can't believe I let myself slip like that' she thought as she took a drink, letting her gaze fall on the television without actually seeing the screen. Between the surgery and several walk-in's at the clinic she had felt the thirst burning for most of the day. Normally she could handle it until she got home, but when Mitchell cut his arm on her car the smell put her senses into overdrive. It was such a strong aroma that she couldn't ignore it, or help her natural response to it no matter how many years of practice she had. She knew that Mitchell had seen and all she could do was hope that she could avoid him the next day. If she could just manage tomorrow she'd have four days to think out how to handle the situation. She drained her wine, looked at the empty glass for a moment, then abruptly chucked it across the room into the wall let out a growl of anger. The only thing left to do was go to bed and hope that she wouldn't see either of the two men the next day.

          Five o'clock the next morning came all too suddenly, and as Abigail rolled off the plush bed her feet landing flat on the cold hard wood floor she recalled the night before. She shuddered at the thought of possibly seeing Mitchell, or even George for fear that Mitchell had told him what he had seen. Shaking the thoughts from her head she stepped into the shower, her favorite place to think, as she washed up she allowed her thoughts to slip back to a time when she would have leapt at the glint of red. A time where it was nothing for her to viciously slaughter an entire plantation family in one night; father, mother, children, slaves, everyone. As she stepped out into the cold air in just her towel she forced those thoughts back into the dark corner of her mind that she tried not to visit. She slowly dressed in her scrubs and white tennis shoes then used her bedroom window as a mirror to line her ocean blue eyes with a thick line of eyeliner. She hated not having a reflection except for in windows, she hated that she always had to wear large dark sunglasses even in with the slightest amount of sunlight, but most of all she hated the monster she truly was just pretending to be human. Finally, after a quick toast and jam breakfast, she begrudgingly made her way out to her car and left for the short drive to the hospital.

          Abigail sat hold up in her office working mostly on patient files and organizing her schedule for the next month of appointments she would no doubt ably have. She had informed the O.R. that she was not feeling well so they wouldn't page her into the main part of the building thus cutting her chances of an encounter with Mitchell and, or, George down to almost impossible. Sitting in her chair at her desk she realized that she was being quite cowardly, which was not the way she grew up even before her change. Her mother would surely chastise her for acting so childishly, but what could she do short of moving or killing them. Neither of these ideas seemed to tickle her fancy, she enjoyed her job and her life in Bristol, and she had sworn off the darker side of her nature too long ago to remember. Carefully she removed herself from her office and made for the cafeteria for lunch figuring she would be in a crowded enough to deter any kind of interaction from anyone else.

          Halfway through lunch Abigail finally started to relax having not seen hide nor hair of the people she was trying to avoid. She stopped looking over her shoulder every time someone came in the room and began to enjoy her meal when a weight unceremoniously dropped down next to her. Nervously she turned to look at the person only to be met by hazel eyes and a goofy grin that lit up the face it belonged too, Mitchell. Abigail politely returned the illuminating smile with a small one of her own showcasing her pearly whites. "So, Doctor Moss, how are you today?" He asked. Abigail took a small deep breath before replying, "Fine, been buried in paperwork most of the day, and you?" Mitchell just stared at her for a moment. "I was thinking maybe we could have a drink sometime? You know get to know each other better." He finally asked. Abigail's breath caught in her throat but she quickly recovered, "What did you have in mind, one of the local pubs?" "No, I was thinking you could come round my place or we could do it as yours." Mitchell didn't miss a beat. Knowing there was no way out of it Abigail sighed and replied, "Sure I'm off he next couple of days, you could come round my house tomorrow eve, if you really want."  "Sounds perfect," and with that he got up and made his way out of the lunch room.

          As the day came to a close and Abigail made ready to head home she became more and more nervous about the next day. Mitchell would be with her alone and she didn’t know exactly what to expect. Would he be understanding and keep her secret or would he out her and cause her to have to move yet again. Worse case scenario was he tried to kill, which of course would end in his quick death. Abigail hoped for the first option because it was the one that would allow her to still sleep at night. By the time she shook the thoughts from her head she was already packed up and at her car. It didn’t take long to reach her house and she immediately began cleaning; sweeping, moping, dusting, and taking food out for dinner the next night. By the time she was done she was exhausted and confused as to why she did all that tonight as apposed to spreading it over the next few days like normal. Then an idea struck her, she would charm him into thinking he had only imagined her jet black eyes the night before. She would make a nice dinner for the two of them and get out a nice bottle of wine and make sure he never got the chance to even ask her about it. With a smile on her face at her plan she made her way upstairs to bed hoping that everything would go smoothly tomorrow and that the incident would never be brought up again.

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