Discoveries at Dinner

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Here it is the moment you were waiting for... I wanted there to be a spark but I don't want it to move too fast. Let me know what you guys think.


 Abigail flitted around her dinning room setting the table for two, she had made them steak and potatoes with a side of mixed vegetables that she cut and cooked herself, and fresh homemade rolls. She then set out two wine glasses and one of her best vintages to complete the meal. This had to work she had no desire to start over once again especially since she had only been in Bristol for a year. A sudden soft knock broke her from her thoughts and she wiped her hands on her fitted, strapless, mid thigh sweetheart dress. She had chosen a blue color to enhance her blue eyes, with a bit of black lace to complement her curled shoulder length black hair. She slowly made her way to the door and opened it to reveal Mitchell standing there in a fitted pair of black jeans, a black button up, and a denim jacket. "Mitchell, come on in," she said stepping to the side allowing him inside. "Thanks." Mitchell said as he walked inside and removed his jacket. Abigail couldn't help but notice the way his muscles moved taught underneath the fabric of his shirt and the slight burn in her throat made it hard for her to focus. She shook the thought from her mind and turned to the dinning room, "I didn't know if you had eaten or not so I made dinner." Mitchell followed her through the house and took in the sight of the spread on the table, "It looks wonderful, how did you cook the steaks?" "Medium rare, but I can throw yours back on if you'd like." Abigail said. "Oh, no, that's perfect." Mitchell said with a bright smile as he pulled her chair out for her. Abigail smiled back as she took her seat and started pouring the wine as he sat down across from her. Now came the moment she had spent all day dreading, it would either be awkward silence or he would jump right in with the question she was dreading. "So, how long have you been a doctor?" Mitchell asked breaking the silence at the table. "Oh, just a couple of years now, I graduated high school in the states at sixteen, so that gave me a bit of a jump start," she answered with her same story she had given the hospital when she applied. Mitchell nodded as he started in on his food, "What about you? How long have you been at the hospital?" She asked as she cut her steak. "George and I both started about six months ago, we became pretty close pretty quick and got a flat together."

          The rest of dinner was filled with small talk and side glances, and when they both finished eating they moved to the couch with the rest of the bottle of wine. Abigail had finally let her guard down as she settled in with Mitchell to watch 'Casablanca'. Mitchell carefully slid his arm around Abigail's shoulders and pulled her closer, "So, how long have you been a vampire?" He asked quietly, holding her with a firm grasp so she wouldn't run or attack before he could explain. Abigail's face drained of the rosy color the wine had brought about. She couldn't breathe or move, stunned into silence she sat stock still for a moment. Abigail's wits quickly came back to her and she nimbly spun herself out from Mitchell's grasp, suddenly across the room in a slight crouch. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said keeping her voice calm and level. Mitchell shook his head and replied, "I saw your eyes the other night, after I cut my arm, they were jet black." "Listen, I don't know what you think you saw but you're sounding a little off. Maybe you should head home and sleep the wine off." Abigail said still in a defensive stance. Mitchell laughed softly, looking her over, and then moved using his speed so that he was behind her, "I know what you are Abigail, because we're the same." As she turned to face him expecting to see his Hazel eyes, her blue ones shot open in shock when she instead found jet black eyes staring back at her.

          It was as if time stood still as Abigail stared into the dark pools that were Mitchell's eyes now. Slowly, her mind began to wrap around what was happening and the only thing she could think to say was, "Two hundred and eighteen." Mitchell's eyes turned back to there normal color, "I have been around for two hundred and forty four years Mitchell." Then he did something she didn't expect, he reached out and wrapped his arms around her petite waist, hugging her close and whispered, "Ninety two years, I was born one hundred and sixteen years ago." Hesitantly Abigail wrapped her arms around his torso feeling the flex of muscle as he tightened his embrace. "Why didn't you just say something, instead of scaring the crap out of me?" Mitchell let out a low chuckle, "This was so much better; dinner, a movie, and I really got to know you better." Abigail looked up at him with a smile before she suddenly pulled away from him. "I should probably get the kitchen cleaned up and head to bed. I've got… um… a lot of stuff to do tomorrow." She looked towards the kitchen as she spoke. "Um… yeah, alright, I guess I'll see you at work next week." Mitchell replied suddenly feeling slightly awkward as he put his jacket on. Abigail nodded with a small smile, "Yeah, I'll see you at work. Have a good night Mitchell." "Yeah, you to Abigail," he said before heading out the door.

          Abigail collapsed on her couch only moments after the door shut, her heart hammering against her rib cage. She wasn't sure why though, she was supposed to be able to relax now that her vampiric status was safe. She went upstairs and washed her face, brushed her teeth, and changed into her pajama's thinking of the look on Mitchell's face as he got ready to leave. Why did she feel like she kicked a puppy? With her thoughts in a haze she collapsed into her bed and slowly drifted into a toss and turn kind of sleep.

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