Chapter 5

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They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite.~ Cassandra Clare

Dedication: To the wonderful and forever lovely, mermaidlover1000 for the amazing words she left on my last chapter. Thank you so much for your love!


I always thought that time healed all wounds. The concept of that was something that was accepted in my family, a simple fact of life. So simple, in fact, that we'd never question it. We'd never think about how it couldn't end, simply because everything has to end. At least, it did then.

Of course, saying that grief will end is like saying I know every fact about the universe. It's simply not true. Days of crushing sadness will never go away. Days of simple numbness will also be there. I guess it's more of a question of learning to live with it. Like a scar that reminds you every day of what you suffered. But you have to see it. I never thought that I would lose someone so vital to me. No, that's not true. I have always known that I would lose someone important to me. I just always thought I'd get over it.

And that's crap. Because saying, "get over it?" You're asking me to cross a bridge that's not built yet. Or one that I'm not ready to yet. It's not easy, and it's not fair. There are some things you just can't get over. And that's ok sometimes. And it's hard to continue with life sometimes. The scales tip and break. The life worth living is one that is not full of happiness, but emotion. But not all emotions are happy ones.

I nearly tripped over a crack in the road as I made my way down to the restaurant. Emma wanted to meet me there today, and I was finally going to tell her about my secret. Everything.

Just then, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out, I pressed the call button and held it to my ear . "Hello?"

"Warrior?" The person on the end questioned. "It's Zoe. I've got some information for you about the Alliance."

I bit my lip, looking at my watch. "Sorry Zoe. I'm about to go meet my friend for lunch. Is there another day or time we could do this?"

"Sure." She answered. "But please come here today. The information is constantly changing."

"Fine." I muttered, rubbing my hand on my forehead. "I'll call you when I finish up and meet you then. Bye." I hung up the phone and sighed. I hadn't expected Zoe to be that fast and find me something. That girl had a kind of power all on her own.

I pushed my hands in my pockets and walked briskly against the muggy wind. New York seemed almost in a daze today, like everyone and everything was moving slower than usual, the sticky weather making it seem like we were flies in honey. The sun hung high in the sky, and the presence of thick air and little water caused everyone to feel tired and lethargic.

I pushed open the door and was grateful when I was immediately greeted with a blast of cold air, soothing my overheated skin. Taking a seat by the window, I waited for Emma. Not ten seconds after I walked in, she opened the door and spotted me, walking and giving me a bright smile, dropping a kiss on my cheek. "Hey."

I gave her a shaky smile back as she dropped her purse on the table in front of us and took off her sunglasses. "Ok, Dylan, it's been six months. You need to go after her." Emma had repeatedly tried to convince me to go and find Siena, not knowing what had driven her away.

I cleared my throat. "Emma, I have to tell you something." I explained everything that had happened between me and Siena. Everything with Gemini and Jake, and I told her all about our powers and the situation we were in. I told her nearly everything. Except for the identities of Gemini.

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