Chapter 1

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The price of greatness is responsibility.~ Winston Churchill

Dedication: To my number one supporter and best Wattpad friend, CimerianSparrow. You're fantastic, love you, and the comments never fail to make my day.

A/N: READ READ READ: Since you all asked for a Q&A with our lovely characters, of course I was happy to oblige. But of course, I need more questions. So I've decided to hold a mini-contest. The person who asks the 3 most interesting questions will get to have a cameo role here in the book. They can be thoughtful, intriguing, funny, anything! Just make them interesting, and get to asking! Siena, Dylan, and I will answer! So go over and comment there, questions directed at me or my characters!


My feet pounded against the floor of the dimly lit hallway, as I ran through. Looking behind me, I made sure there was no one following me, but still I pushed and ran faster, my long legs eating the floor.

I scrambled up the stairs, my hair getting caught on her lips as I whipped my head back to make sure that there was no one behind me. I brushed it off, my shirt ripped and bloody, my jeans torn at the knee and ragged.

I finally stumbled into the hallway, and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the door. I ran to it, and was so hasty in my desperation to get to it that I barely bothered with the door knob, opening it and falling into the room.

I collapsed just inside the threshold, breathing heavily. The floor felt cool and like a balm against my overheated skin, and all I wanted to do was lay there forever. However, I picked myself up almost the second I fell down, and walked myself over to the couch. I sat there, silently, and shrugged off my shirt, so I was left in my tank top.

I sank down onto the couch and tried not to wince as the long scratch rubbed against the fabric. It hurt, but it wasn't very deep, so it would stop bleeding soon. I pulled the drawer out from underneath the coffee table and took out some rubbing alcohol and a large bandage.

Just as I was dabbing the liquid onto a cotton swab, a hand gently fell onto my uninjured shoulder. "Here. Let me." The voice was silent, strong, as I let my hands give them materials to him and then let them fall limply to my side.

He sat down behind me and pulled me into his lap, his arms encircling me, He sat back a little and rubbed the alcohol over my wound, causing sharp flashes of pain to occur. I hissed in pain and gripped the pillow.

"Sorry." He chuckled, placing the bandage over my wound. I sighed when his hands left my shoulder and went around my waist, pulling me back towards him. He dropped a kiss to my collarbone, exactly where my scar was, and I leaned back into his chest.

I closed my eyes, and bit my lip as I remembered what had happened. "I couldn't save all of them." I choked out.

"I know. I'm so sorry." He muttered, nuzzling his nose into the side of my neck. My body started shaking with silent tears that dripped down my face. His arms tightened around me, pulling me closer to him, and I leaned back into his solid chest, crying.

The thing was, I had never felt safer than here.

That was, of course, before I woke up.

My fingers were the first thing that registered in my brain. My eyes shot open, but the connection between my eyes and brain didn't seem to be working. I couldn't comprehend what I was looking at. But I could feel the cool metal that was at my fingertips. The metal of the knife hidden in my leg. I closed my eyes and opened them again, and this time, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness enough that I could understand what was going on.

(#2) Girl By Day, Villain By Night,Where stories live. Discover now