V ☆ Meant To Be

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Jihyun Kim ☆ Meant to Be
Am I dead? Have I gotten writer's block again?
Nope. The new semester at school started. Fun.
At least school ends on Dec 14 for me tho.

• • •

"Happy 7th Birthday, (Y/n)!" The blue haired boy handed you a book with a leather cover.

"Huh? Jihyun, what's this?" You asked, pointing at the present you got from him.

He gave you a wide grin and said, "Open it."

You lifted the cover and saw the message he had written on the first page:

Happy 7th Birthday, (Y/n),
You know how I've been recently taking photographs, right? Well, I put them all into this photo album. I hope you like it!
I love you,
Your friend, Jihyun Kim

Your heart fluttered at that one sentence he had written.

I love you.

You supposed you felt a bit dizzy after you had read that, so you shook it off and thought of it as nothing.

Then, he took you hand.

"Y/n, is something wrong? You've been staring at the book for a while and your face is red... Are you feeling okay?"

Your heart thumped. "I-I'm fine, Jihyun." You flipped through the pages, recalling the moments where you had remembered the blue haired boy with his camera.

Most of the pictures were of you or you and him together (he owned a tripod), though nearing the last few photographs, Jumin was also included. Your eyes widened in awe.

His photographs were really beautiful.

"Thank you for this, Jihyun. I love it! You're really talented at taking photos!" You jumped up and embraced him.

"I... I am?" He asked, hugging back. A smile beginning to form on his face.

"Yes, you are... I love you, Jihyun! Thank you so much!" You grinned.

"I love you too, (Y/n)! I love you a lot!" He chuckled, hugging you back.

"Let's be bestfriends forever~" Your face fell.


• • •

That was almost 20 years ago.

"(Y/n), Jihyun proposed to someone and they're getting married. In fact, he requested me to find your address so that he can send the wedding invitation to you." Jumin spoke through the phone, his voice cracking a bit.

You softly let a sigh escape your lips as you gently flipped through the pages of the photo album. "Sure, my address is (address)."

"Thank you, (Y/n). Though I cannot help but think..." Jumin trailed off.

"Jumin...?" You asked.

"He's so clueless. It's painfully obvious to everyone but him that you have romantic feelings for him. Why can't he see past that?"

"Don't worry, it's fine. I'm just happy that he wanted to invite me." You carefully slid the photo album back onto a bookshelf.

"I can tell it's not fine for you, (Y/n). Your voice sounds like you're forcing yourself to say it. I've known that feeling all to well. This is not the happily ever after you deserve."

"Jumin... You! I always knew you liked fairytales and princesses! Ha! Gaaaaay!" you joked, trying to change the subject.

Jumin sighed, "I simply thought that would be the easiest context to explain to you. You understand what I'm saying, right,(Y/n)? If you had never told him to pursue photography, he would've never met his fiancée."

"Jumin, I know you've been with me through tough times. You think this is unfair. But we're just... Not meant to be."

"You've been together since you were practically toddlers. You've known him longer than I have. You know each other more than anyone else. He trusts you more than anyone else." Jumin reasoned.

"That was in the past. And if he got engaged, that means he loves someone and that someone understands them more than I ever will," you masked the venom dripping from your voice. "And as for that trust? If he's willing to get married to someone, he's willing to trust the rest of his life to them. It's as simple as that."

"Well, I suppose it's your choice. I can't help you with this. I hope you attend the wedding. Good night, (y/n)."


The phone call ended.

(Yo, does this need a part 2?)

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