Chapter Three

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I'm woken up by someone shaking me. I look up to see an amulet with a purple inside surrounded by a gold outside. (???) Hey are you ok? I grab my phone and turn some music on to help see who this is. The notes started to show it was a man with a worried look on his face when the music finally finished forming everything it was all in black and white. He looked very familiar but I couldn't really tell.(Evelyn) Uh yea I'm fine. (???) Are you sure, it 50 degrees out here and from looking at you, I thought you were in need of a place to stay. (Evelyn) Oh I-I don't uh. (???)You need a place to stay don't you. (Evelyn)Uh yea I do sir, it's been a while since I have been in a building.(???)Oh... well I'm Adam Dahlberg and you are? (Evelyn)Oh I'm Evelyn, Evelyn uh I don't know my last name.(Adam)Hm why don't you know your last name. (Evelyn) Well I do but I don't know it, the orphanage never told me it. (Adam) Wait your an orphan? (Evelyn)Yes I am, I was put in the orphanage in New York but about two days ago I ran away cause they didn't treat me well since I'm blind. (Adam)Your blind, wait how are you able to see. (Evelyn) I can see with the help of music, that's why when you woke me up I turned on the music. (Adam)Oh well that's pretty cool what else can you do. (Evelyn)Well if I don't have the music I can see the main thing people have on them. (Adam)So what can you see from me. (Evelyn) Oh I can see that amulet on you. (Adam)Thats amazing well come on let's head back to my house and get you warmed up and see if we can find your parents. (Evelyn) O-ok wait your going to help me find my parents? (Adam) Of course now follow me to my car. (Evelyn)Ok. I follow him to his car and we talk about each other and I find out that he is SkyDoesMinecraft. I didn't freak out about it instead I said that's why you look so familiar. We get to his house and inside of it was a beautiful Christmas Tree.(Evelyn) Oh so tomorrow is Christmas isn't it. (Adam) Yes it is why do you ask? (Evelyn)Oh cause the 26 is my birthday. (Adam) Hm really. (Evelyn)Yeah I'm turning 13. (Adam)Well then happy early birthday Evelyn, ok follow me and we can get you to bed ok.(Evelyn) Ok.

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