Chapter Two

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I wake up before the sun gets up and get back on the road. I noticed that my phone was at half power so I go into my bag and pull out about four charging boxs and put them in my pockets. I didn't have the nicest clothes, I had very ripped up pants, and a old ripped up blue shirt and these old dark blue shoes. I take easy trials and I'm about two states away from Washington State. It's about 8 at night again and find an empty subway station and find a bench. I put the bike carrier over it and get under and pull my blanket out, and use my stuff animal as a pillow. I wake up and check my phone, it read 3:45am December 24 so it's Christmas Eve. Back at the orphanage on Christmas Eve all the kids will sit by the tree and wish to the star for anyone to adopt them. I stopped doing that at age 9 with my conditions. I get up and head out of the subway station and get back on the road. I get about a State away from my wanted location and the clock read 11:58am. I get to a rest stop for about 30-45 minutes and then get back on the road. I make it to Bellevue, Washington by 7:44pm. I'm walking around and love the view of all the stores around here and no big buildings to block the view of everything. I find a park bench and get ready to head to bed. I fall asleep at 8:46pm and get awoken by someone.

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