"Okay, wow. That was a pretty good answer." Her phone vibrated. "The Uber's here! I call shotgun, which leaves enough room for you two in the back."

"DINAH!" I yelled, watching my sassy best friend walk towards the black car. "Shall we?" Y/N asked, waiting for me to get up.

The car ride there was eventful. Dinah was asking Y/N tons of questions, and I was trying to make sure she wasn't feeling too overwhelmed. Though Dinah could be really protective sometimes, I didn't want to pressure her into anything yet. We still have a lot to learn about each other.We pulled up to the party and we took another elevator to the penthouse suite of a hotel. When we got to the door, Dinah knocked and we were greeted by a man with dreadlocks and a fedora.

"Ty!" Dinah greeted. "These are my friends, Camila and Y/N."

"Pleasure to meet you, ladies." Ty shook our hands. "Feel free to get some drinks. If not, the balcony and the master bedroom are open."

"Cool. Thanks, man." Y/N cooly responded, grabbing my hand by habit. "Uh, is this okay? I just didn't wanna lose you in the crowd of people."

"This is nice. Don't worry." I smiled.

We went over to the kitchen and tried to find something non-alcoholic to drink. In the end, our only option was water with crushed ice. We then sat together on a couch in the living room, watching couples dance to bass boosted rap music. Suddenly, Y/N got up and offered me her hand.

"May I have this dance?" She asked.

"Do you know how to dance?" I asked back."Well, no. But-"

"No, it's okay." I interjected. "I'm going to teach you."

I stood up with her and made our way to the dance floor.

"Alright. You're gonna put one hand around my waist, and I'm gonna put one around your neck." I explained, moving her arm. "Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." She blushed.

"Good. Now... you just sway, I guess."

"What?" She couldn't hear me over the blasting speakers.

"SWAY!" I shouted. "Just like rock back and forth. Just like- hold on."I grabbed her hips, helping her get into the rhythm of the song. 

"Sorry. I was just trying to help." I apologized, forgetting about boundaries for a hot second.

"No, don't be. Am I getting the hang of it now?" She asked, trying to replicate what I was trying to teach her a moment before.

"You're a fast learner." I smiled. We danced together for an hour or two, and then I decided that I needed some fresh air. I led Y/N up to the master bedroom upstairs so we could get on the balcony.

"Have you ever been in penthouse suite?" I asked her, opening the door to a thankfully empty room.

"No. Never." She shook her head, walking in. 

"It's like you're standing on the top of the world." I explained. "Like nothing can hurt you." Y/N took off her shoes and jumped on the bed.

"You don't know what's been done in that bed." I blurted out. Y/N gave me a look, and then we laughed together.

"You're right." She stated. "So, any luck with schools?"

"I'm looking at Fordham right now, but I don't know. I wanna double major in Creative Writing and Business, and start my own publishing firm." Y/N got up, putting her shoes back on and going to the balcony. 

"No family franchising business for you?" She chuckled, drinking a cup of water. Y/N leaned over the edge of the balcony.

"They really want me to do my own thing, as nice as it would be." I joined her outside, overlooking the edge of the city. "What about you? Are you gonna inherit the bookstore?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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