Chapter 16: Recieving The Truth

Start from the beginning

We had taken the train to the next station, then got another one which took us directly to Domino. However, the train journey had lasted all through the day and through the night. We had finally arrived the next day, and had walked to Makarov's house. Luckily, Levy had remembered the way.
Now we all stood before the small building, afraid.
"He'll be angry, won't he?" Wendy began.
"Yep," I replied. "After all, I broke my promise."
I inhaled, then walked forward up to the door. I was about to knock, when the door opened itself. Makarov stood on the other side, with wide eyes.
"You're back!" He began. However, thanks to my silent reply, and the dull faces of everyone behind me (not to mention Natsu's unconscious body being carried by Cana and Juvia), it didn't take him long to assess the situation.
"Sir..." I started, bowing my head. "I'm sorry."
"No..." he muttered, falling to his knees. "They didn't..."
"Lucy has been taken into the council's hands,"
I reported, like a soldier returning from a failed mission.
"I'm sorry," I repeated, close to tears. "I'm sorry..."
I covered my face with my hands.
"I'm sorry!" I cried, sobbing.
He didn't reply. He simply sat in his own grief, condescending in his thoughts. Then suddenly, he clicked.
"Wait..." he began, getting back up. "We still have Natsu, right?"
"Yes. He...went a little mad, after Lucy was taken. Our only option was to..." My voice faded away, unable to find the words.
"Of course. That's expected of him, after all," he replied. "Bring him over here, ladies."
"Y-Yes, sir," they said, taking him into the house.

I followed behind, as Cana and Juvia were led further and further into Makarov house. He leaded us through a long hallway, until we arrived at a set of stairs at the the end. The stairs led down into the basement, where there were handcuffs and a neck brace connected to the wall.
"We'll keep him here," he told us.
"What? Here?!" Juvia replied, shocked. "He's not dangerous!"
Makarov burst out laughing at her reply. "Yes," he told her. "Yes he is."

After a little convincing, Juvia and Cana helped Makarov chain Natsu to the wall.
Natsu's this dangerous?
Once he was finally strapped in, Makarov walked over to a cabinet and received a wooden bat.
"What the hell are you planning?" Cana asked.
"He just needs a little kick," Makarov replied. Then with a smirk, he whacked Natsu round the face. Natsu gasped, his eyes flying open.
"There we go," Makarov said proudly.
"Lucy," he immediately started. "We have to find Lucy!" He started pulling at the chains, which caused us to step back. All except Makarov.
Had he expected this?
"It's okay, Natsu," he told him. "We'll find her soon."
"No!" Natsu shouted angrily. "I have to find her!" He was struggling desperately against the chains now. Makarov sighed with annoyance.
"See? Dangerous. He would've started attacking at least one of us by now," he explained.
"But why?" Juvia asked. Makarov grinned.
"Come upstairs. It's time to explain everything."

"Is it alright to leave Natsu down there?" Wendy asked, as we described the conditions he was in.
"Yes, he'll be fine. Now everyone, sit," Makarov ordered. We all took a seat around a table, ready to hear what Makarov had to say.
"Now, you all now that Lucy and Natsu are 'connected', right?" He asked. Everyone, including me, nodded.
"Well, that's thanks to their parents. This whole plan is thanks to their parents, actually. Natsu's father and Lucy's mother. They planned this together."
"They did? But how?" I questioned.
"Well, let me start with Lucy. Lucy's magic isn't Celestial Overtake. Her magic is Overtake."
"What's the difference?" Cana asked.
"Celestial Overtake is something the council made up. The 'taking over of spirits'. Lucy is far stronger than that. Lucy can take over the magic of anyone."
My eyes widened.
Taking over the magic...of anyone?
"Or, at least, she should be able to. But she can't. And that is thanks to Natsu. You see, there is an ancient magic. A magic that has the power to create anything you please. The power of a god. That's magic is called divinity magic. No one really understands how it works (since no-one has been able to create it), but the council want it. They've been wanting it for decades. But the only way to get it is by an Overtake user taking over the magic of every single Rosafelt at once. Are you following so far?"
We all nodded bluntly, eager to hear more.
"Okay. So, Lucy's mother realised that Lucy was an Overtake user. Luckily, she found out what the council wanted, and knew that they would become dangerous if they got their hands on it. So, she made a plan with Natsu's father. They were going to use Natsu to prevent Lucy from having her full potential."
Use Natsu...
Makarov only continued. "Lucy's mother liquidised Lucy's magic using my invention, then extracted it out of her. She eventually took fifty percent of Lucy's magic out of her, then gave it to Natsu's father, who injected it into Natsu."
He breathed deeply.
"Natsu," he started. "Possesses fifty percent of Lucy's magic."
We all gasped, as the explanation made everything clear.
Natsu was immune to Lucy's magic.
Lucy got ill from a magic potion that was inside Natsu.
Every time Natsu touches Lucy, her magic power is restored.
They're magic!
"Wow..." Wendy muttered. "That's..."
"Awesome," Cana finished grinning.
"Lucy wasn't led to Natsu, she was led to her magic. Natsu is literally her other half," Makarov added.
Lucy's words trailed in my head.
"He completes me."
"So that's why they go all crazy when the other is hurt or in danger," Levy joined in.
"And the longer they spend with each other, the closer they become. Sooner or later, they might even be able to read each other's thoughts," Makarov continued. "My guess is they can already feel each other's strong emotions, like fear and bravery, grief and joy..."
"So when Natsu lost his sister, it must've been pretty hard on Lucy," I said.
"I can't believe Natsu has Lucy's magic inside of him," Cana said. "It's just...their parents are geniuses."
"But there's one more thing about Natsu," Makarov began. "Natsu's father knew that Natsu would require strength to protect Lucy from the council. So he injected something else into him. That something is what makes Natsu dangerous. Far more dangerous than any of us."
"What could make him that powerful?" Wendy questioned.
"Let me ask you. During your journey, did Natsu do related?"
"Fire related?" I repeated, laughing. "Why would he-"
I stopped mid sentence, as a memory came back to me.
Back in Greedrun. When the town had set on fire.
"The barrels set alight when I touched them."
That's what Natsu had said.
Did he really...cause that?
"Yes, he did do something," I answered. "Once."
Makarov started laughing, as a smirk grew across his face.
"That..." he began. "Is because Natsu is a dragon slayer."
"A WHAT?!"
What do you think? There you have it- the reason they've been all close and protective!
Did any of you figure it out? It took me ages to think of, so I hope you like it!
Also...Natsu's a dragon slayer! (Because no one ever knew that before, right?)
I don't know if you remember in the second chapter, Lucy says he mother told her that if she was even in trouble, she would be saved by a dragon slayer. She was talking about Natsu!

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