"Your just as bad as the boys." He yelled as we rode down the hall. He soon got us. "Yeah. I can tell your Zayn's daughter." He said carrying us into the recording room the boys were in.

"Hi boys!" I yelled jumping around. Zayn sighed. "What did she do know?" He asked. "She's just as bad as you! Riding skateboards down the halls and running around." Paul said. "What you mean like this?" Harry asked and ran out of the room.

The rest if the boys ran out and Paul chased after them. After awhile Liam came back"Ready to go girls?" Liam asked coming in. "Yeah. I'm hungry. Are we going out for dinner?"

I asked him. "That's my girl!" I heard Niall yell up ahead of us. "Yeah." He said. We excited the studio and there were paparazzi everywhere and a few fans.

"Who are the girls?!" "Did you adopted them?!" "What's your name?!" A whole bunch of questions were thrown at us. Harry grabbed Emily's hand and Zayn grabbed mine as Paul got us to our car safely.

"Wow. Well that was crazy!" I said putting my head back. Emily laughed. "Yeah. Man you guy have a crazy life." Emily said to them. "Yeah." Louis said. "Okay! Now where are we eating?" Niall asked.

"Can you shut up about food for once?" Harry asked him. Niall laughed. "Nando's?" Louis said. "Yes! Yes! Nando's! Nando's! Here we come!" Niall screamed. "That okay with you?" Zayn asked Emily.

"By is that okay with you? He means you don't have a choice Niall will kill us if we don't go so we have to." I told her. She laughed. "Yeah of course I don't care." She said to us. We got there and ordered.

Niall got A LOT. We finished up and got back in the car. We drove to Emily's house. "Bye Emily!" I said to her. "Bye Kayla! Thanks for having me over." She told the boys. "Of course! You're welcome back over anytime." Zayn told her. She smiled.

We drove back to our house and I fell on the couch. "What are we doing tomorrow? Please tell me we aren't going to the studio." I told them. "We aren't doing anything. But your with Perrie tomorrow." Zayn told me.

"Okay." I said. "I want food." I said. "We just ate!" Liam yelled. I laughed. "But I want ice cream." I said. "I can share some with Niall." I said to them. "Fine." Zayn said. "Yay!!" I yelled running into the kitchen and getting a thing of ice cream.

"No. Not the whole thing." Zayn said talking it from me and and putting it in bowels. "Well your mean." I said going back into the living room and sitting down next to Niall. "What we watching?" I asked Liam as he was flipping through the channels.

"The stupid news has us all over it so at the moment nothing." He said handing me the remote. I changed it to Glee. "What's this?" Harry asked. I looked at him with my mouth open. "Before you tell me close your mouth you'll catch flys." He told me.

"How have you never watched Glee?!" I asked him. "I dunno." He said. I focused back to the TV. "Niall you pig! You ate all the ice cream!" I yelled at him. "Oops." Was all he said.


I got up and took a shower then got on some leggings and a sweater that fell off one shoulder and went downstairs and started eating breakfast. "Morning love." Liam said kissing my head.

"Morning Liam. Do you know when Perrie is picking me up?" I asked him. "I think soon. Anytime now." He told me then I heard the front door open. Perrie walked in the kitchen.

"Good morning Kayla. How are you?" She asked me smiling. "Good." I told her. "You might wanna out on a coat it's snowing outside." She told me. I got up and ran to look out the window.

"And she was wearing shorts and a tank top yesterday I thought she was crazy!" Liam told Perrie. She laughed. "Well Miss. Kayla lets go." Perrie told me. I grabbed my coat and phone and walked outside with Perrie.

"Where are we going today? Zayn never told me." I explain to Perrie. "Well if I'm right. Your birthday is coming up soon! And we are gonna pick out a Christmas tree and have a girls day." She told me.

I smiled. "Sounds good." I told her. As we drove to the mall. We got there and she took me into different shops. "Do you like this?" Perrie asked me. I looked at the sweater that she showed me. "Yeah! I love it." I told her smiling.

We looked at other stuff and UGGS and boots and different types of shoes. I got a new hat. Then we went and picked out a Christmas tree. "That one Is to small." I told her. She moved to the next one. "How would be get that inside the house?" I asked.

She laughed. "How about this one?" She asked me. I smiled. "It's perfect!" I squealed and hugged Perrie. She hugged me back. We picked it out and put it on top of the car.

"I'm home! And I need lads to help us get the tree in the house!" I yelled the boys all came out and helped us. "You guys picked out a great tree." Zayn said hugging us both. I smiled.

We got out lights and things to put on the tree. We all started putting up the Christmas tree and it looked pretty good. "You guys don't have to go on tour during Christmas right?" I asked the guys and looked up at Harry who had his arms wrapped around me.

"Nope. We get to stay here." Liam told me. I smiled. "Is Danielle and Eleanor coming over for Christmas?" I asked the boys. "Later in the day they are." Louis replied. I smiled.

"Hey Kayla. Why don't we bake some cookies and the boys can go set up lights outside?" Perrie asked. I smiled and nodded. We went into the kitchen and turned on music. Perrie got out the stuff to make the cookies and I got the sprinkles, frosting, and cookie cutters.

We started to make the dough and I started cutting out shapes. We had gingerbread, Christmas tree, and snow flake shapes. We put them in the oven sat around till they got done. My phone started buzzing I answered it. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Kayla! What are you up to?" Emily asked me.

"Making cookies with Perrie." I said smiling. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "Sounds fun! And making paper snow flakes with my sister." She told me. I smiled. The timer buzzed. "Hey sorry to cut our time but I gotta go. Sorry!" I told her.

"No your fine!" She told me. "Okay thanks bye Em!" I said before hanging up. Perrie took out the cookies and we started decorating them. We put frosting on all of them and some different kinds of sprinkles.

I heard a camera flash and looked up and saw Zayn on his phone then my phone buzzed. "My two favorite girls spending time together baking cookies" It said and had us tagged on twitter. I smiled.

Hiiii!! So I hope this was long enough... Um I'm busy with homework and shit lol. I'm gonna be busy and I'm sorry I won't be posting on Wednesdays because I'm busy then yeah.

Sorry again I'm gonna try updating as much as I can over winter break so yeah thanks for reading bye!

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