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Silence echoes across the Monument after Trace finishes, drawing in a shaking breath. Had it worked? Why was it so quiet? Did everyone think she was crazy, stupid or somewhere in between?

Trace starts when Hop takes her hand in his, rubbing circles with his thumb across her knuckles. Comfort spreads through her like a wildfire and she squeezes his hand in thanks.

Still, her speech hung in the air, like droplets waiting to fall and no-one broke the blanket of silence. Until a cheer went up. A shout. A holler. A yell. The Monument erupted into noise, everyone cheering over and over, "We're with you!" filling the air. A wave of relief crashed over Trace and she let out a breath, her knees feeling weak, flashing a smile at Hop, at Glint, at Wiki and Demon and Phoenix, at her friends, her family.

Glint mouthed a "Good job!", a smile on her face. Wiki gave her a thumbs up and both Demon and Phoenix placed a hand on her shoulder. Hop grinned.

"Well, then, Trace. Looks like we've found our army."
Trace nodded and faced the crowd, feeling the support of her friends in her heart. "Now, let's start our Revolution."


It started slowly. The crowd divided into groups, each with a specific target. Some targets were areas that needed to be shut down. Others, Government officials or scientists or any other manner of important person that needed to be taken in. Demon had already found a place to hold them one late night in a closed meeting.

"It's an underground laboratory, with an elevator as the only way in an out. One of our scouts found it and confirmed that it was empty and secure. We'll place all Government personnel in there until we figure out what to do with them."

Trace felt like she wasn't doing enough, standing out the front, directing supporters to and fro, shouting information and feeling very much like an app on an old phone. A flash of a memory sparked in her- someone, a girl she didn't know, with rose-gold hair, holding an old smartphone up to the light. She pressed the button in its center and said something. An app activated and talked back to her. Trace smiled and clung to that memory as Ellie ran up to her.

"Hey, Trace, Mama and Papa want to meet you!" She said happily, bouncing on her feet.

Trace smiled. "Sure thing, Ellie. Where are they?"

"We're right here." A man said and Trace turned to find a couple- in their late forties- being led by Lion.
The man had golden hair that glittered like jewels, streaks of grey nestled amongst the blonde strands. His eyes were kind, his face worn but warm. His wife, a woman with jet-black hair in a simple plait, was small and petite, her green eyes lighting up her face more than her smile.

"We wanted to thank you for sending Ellie and Lion to us." The man continued and Trace was struck with how long ago that was. A month, maybe longer. So much had happened.

His wife nodded. "Yes, we are very lucky to have them with us. They bring joy back into our lives." Her husband nodded. "Of course, we have heard a great deal about you, Trace. We are honored to help you with this Revolution."

Trace was taken aback. "Oh no, really, I should be the one who is honored to have your support. It means a lot to me to have others who feel the same way about getting our City back so ready to fight beside me."

The man smiled. "You are one truly incredible young woman, Trace."

With that, the group walked off, both Lion and Ellie hugging Trace before leaving.

Wiki and Hop came over to her next, a backpack slung on Wiki's shoulder. Trace's heart fell slightly at the sight of the bag but let none of it show on her face.

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