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Trace decided very early on that the best line of action was to get as big an army as possible.

"First things first." She said, addressing the group of mutants that stood in the Knife. It was packed, with her proclamation being broadcast across the building through screens that flicked with artificial light and speakers hidden in the walls. Wiki had got them up and running while she was out for the count.

"We need to assemble an army. I don't care whether our supporters are mutants or not, as long as they care about our cause- which is to take down the Government. Wiki, I need you and a group of others to hack into the files protected by the Government and find out as much as you can about them. Phoenix, I need you, Demon and another group to come up with battle strategies for every possible scenario. We need the best outcome for each one. And the rest of you," She paused and grinned. "You're gonna get the word out that the Revolution is coming."

Ellie put her hand up almost immediately after. "Yes, Ellie?"
"Can Lion and I go and get some friends to help us? We'll be super quick, I promise!"

Trace frowned, glancing at Hop and Glint before nodding. "Okay, sure. The more people we can get on our side, the better chance we'll have."

Ellie nodded, took Lion's hand in hers and the pair scampered away, heading to who knows where.

"Alright, guys. Let's move. The sooner we get everything in place, the sooner we can take down the Government and the sooner we can finally live in an equal society."

The other mutants nodded and set about organizing their teams, dividing others up based on their skill and mutations. It was organized chaos and, for a moment, Trace watched as it all went on, taking a step back form her leadership role.

So much had passed since she'd been sold to Master. Allivan. So many accomplishments, so many setbacks, so many losses. She wondered how the others were coping; she could see a haunted look in Hop's eyes, a fearful twitch in Glint, a sad gleam to Ellie's usual bounciness. If this is what a fight does to people-

No, she reminded herself. This is not just one fight. This is a war and war kills from the inside out. But we are survivors.

And that's what we'll do. We'll survive.


"Okay guys, let's see what you've got." Trace said, leaning on the back of Wiki's chair. The building had a state-of-the-art computer lab, filled with huge, touchscreen computers, holographic projectors and 3D printers.

Wiki waved a USB drive at her. "Here's all the info we've got on them. Families, lives, how they got the job, et cetera, et cetera."

Trace nodded. "Alright, anything of use?"

Wiki shrugged. "Only that Yang and his brother are both mutants and train apprentices for future generals and similar jobs. They have the same mutation- no surprise there. Mind reading, telepathy, whatever you want to call it, but I don't think that's all. There's been several reports filed by many different-"

"No offense, Wiki, but could you please skip to the point?"

Wiki blinked and smiled apologetically. "Sorry. I think they can also control others."


Wiki nodded. "We'll have to prepare for that. I'll pass the information on to Demon and Phoenix."

Trace nodded again, preparing to leave. "Anything on the others?"

"Not yet, but we've got people searching on the clock for information that could be useful."

"Keep up the good work, guys." Trace yelled to the room, with other mutants calling back their thanks.

Just as the door was about to close, Wiki rushed through and handed her a thick wad of paper.

"What's this?"

"The schedules of every member of the Government and maps on their daily routines." He said, blowing a tortoiseshell lock out of his eyes. "Thought it might help, if you wanted to look through it."

"Sure. Not much else to do." She replied. "Thanks, Wiki."


Demon and Phoenix were working well, their group devising dozens of situations and combat plans. After a quick scan of the room, Trace noted that all was good and set about heading to the Knife again. She'd called a meeting with the remaining mutants to figure out the best way to get the word out.

Hop was already there, staring out of one of the windows. She walked over to him and gently placed a hand on his arm. "Hey. You ok?"

He shrugged. "I guess. I you really think this will work?"

She frowned. "What do you mean?"

He gestured around the room at nothing in particular. "This Revolution. Hasn't it ever occurred to you that maybe we're going about this wrong way, that maybe the Government is right and we're not? That maybe we're losing a battle we haven't even started to fight yet?"

Trace nodded. "Sure. But just because we're on the losing side, doesn't make it the wrong side. We have to put our opinions out there, Hop, even if we're scared." She paused and took his hand in hers. "I've been thinking about my slave name and what it has to do with my mutation."

She looked up at him, her eyes boring into his, the silver flecks catching the light. "I think it means that this world doesn't want me to leave- at least, not yet. That's why I can't die. It's like the world wants me to show what life was like before."

Trace knew she had his attention now; she could feel his fingers tightening around hers.

"It wants to make the world know that things can go back to the way it was- before the meteors, before the mutations, before the slaves, before the new way of doing things. It wants us to make ourselves heard. If we dissolve without a Trace, then will the world really care about us?"

Hop glanced at her before looking outside again. She pressed her hand to his cheek and turned his head so he was looking at her.

"This is our chance, Hop. Our chance to show the world that we aren't monsters, that we are people too. Our chance to show the world who we were- who they were- before this way of life came into being. If we give up now, then we'll never be able to do that. Don't you want to show them who we are?"


She sighed and let his hand go. "Come on, Hop. I know you. I know you want to fight as much as anyone else. I know you want to show the world that we are not a disease, that we have emotions and opinions and lives just like anyone else.  I know you don't want to be a slave to the system anymore." She saw him glance at his right hand, the stark black brand gleaming dully in the light. "Please. I can't do this without you."

She noticed a tear mark its track down his cheek and he looked into her eyes with his vibrant blue ones. He reached out a hand and traced her cheek, his thumb resting on her cheekbone.

"I've lost so much already, Trace. I can't lose you too."

She smiled and rested her hand on his. "You won't. I'll be right with you till the end."

He nodded, took a deep breath, slowed his frantic breathing. "I know."

Trace grinned. Then she did something she'd been wanting to do for a while; she leaned over and kissed him.

Just like that.

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