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A shiver ran up Trace's spine, making goosebumps erupt on her arms and legs. The cabin was a dark, double room, a single spotlight landing on a chair, wooden and worn. That didn't make Trace feel any better.

Neither did the tiny flickers of a scaly, slithering body in the corner of her eye.

"Trace, please sit down." Wiki said from behind the window that lay in the separating wall.

She glanced at him, praying he would change his mind but no, he just moved his head again, inching her over to the chair. It felt oddly cold through her clothes, bringing the goosebumps back. It was clear this test wasn't going to be easy.

"Try to relax." Wiki said, his voice calm.

"You do realise that's just making me more nervous, right?" Wiki didn't smile.

"Alright, Demon, you can begin the initiation in three, two, one, she's all yours."

Wiki's voice clicked off abruptly, plunging Trace into silence. That only made the cabin creepier. She glanced around her nervously, her hands tugging at her shirt, her jeans, her fingernails. The nervous ticks were becoming less effective at keeping her fear at bay. At least I'm not restricted, she thought, thankful for the room the cabin had.

As if sensing her relief, shadowy bindings wound around her wrists and ankles, slashing her violently against the chair. The fear in her chest solidified into an icy weight and a strangled cry escaped her mouth as one last binding slipped around her mouth. Her breathing turned ragged, her mind spinning dizzily.

If only M were here. He'd be able to help me. Heck, if only anyone was here to help me.

She was running out of oxygen in her blood- at least, it felt like that. OK, Trace, just breathe. In and out. Just like M told you too. She sucked in a shaky breath, holding it before slowly releasing it. She felt her heart rate drop slightly before it spiked again when she saw Demon standing in front of her, his hands cloaked in shadowy veils.

So that's his power.

"Trace, prepare to be tested. This will determine whether you are strong enough to join us, whether you are capable of being part of our master plan and whether you are a Government spy. I wish you luck but not mercy. No one ever receives mercy in the Initiation."

And with that, the shadowy binds slid across her eyes, blinding her before the world turned black entirely.


Trace stood on nothing while grey matter swirled around her. Her mind reeled slightly as she tried to grasp where she was. A sickening wave of de ja vu collapsed over her and with a jolt she wrenched forwards. Relief flooded her when her hands came into her view, unbound and uninjured. She cradled them to her chest as she surveyed the area.

Almost sensing her, the area changed, spinning into a horribly familiar room. Thor stood in front of her, his hair over his shoulder so she could see the peeking edge of the tattoo again.

"Hello again, Imogen. Or do you go by another name now? Trace, if I remember correctly." He laughed, a noise that sent splinters into her mind.

Rage she didn't know she had towards the man erupted in her chest and, in a blind frenzy, she launched forwards, a guttural cry escaping her lips. She slammed into his chest, sending him stumbling back a few steps, dazed but not weakened. He almost seemed to be smirking at her. Urged on, she reeled back for a punch, sending it striking for his nose but Thor was too quick.

Just like last time, she thought angrily.

His arms grabbed hers, twisting it behind her. His mistake, Trace thought, using the momentum to kick him in the chest. She heard a crack and felt a rib shatter beneath her heel. Thor cried out, releasing her arm to protect his injured rib cage, his face turning pale and his breathing haggard. Taking this as a chance to do some real damage, Trace punched him in the nose, feeling it crunch beneath her fist. Blood spurted from it, slopping down his face. He cringed but didn't cry out this time, only fell to his knees in agony.

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