Broken Secrets ch.08

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I woke the sun shining brightly in Ty's room. I heard birds churping and wolves growling. I quickly got out of bed and noticed I was alone in the room. Hmm thats weird. Ty usually waits for me. I walked over to the window and seen wolves I recognized from the pack. They were training it looked like. I stretched and yawned and went to take a shower. I smile to myself as I thought about how Ty has changed my life. I have been staying here at the pack house for six months now and honestly I couldn't be happier. I haven't heard from dad which is weird since he normally calls me yelling at and telling me that I'm in huge trouble when he gets home. Ty is trying to get me to tell my dad that I'm not going to be living with him anymore and that I would be living wth Ty. But knowing my dad, he would flip shit. So I haven't told him yet, since he is away on business and I don't want to get in the way.

I got out of the shower and blow dried my hair and straightened it and applied my usual makeup. With that I went into Ty's room and was looking for something to wear. I settled on a pair of his boxers and a tshirt. I walked downstairs to make me some breakfast when I noticed everyone from the pack in the living room. They all looked up at me with sadness in their eyes and sympathetic looks written all over their faces. I smiled a little smile at them. "What's going on guys?" I questioned as if nothing was wrong. I could feel it...something bad was about to happen. I could feel it in my stomach and it wasn't good.

"Your dad has declared war on our pack." Ty spoke at me as he came to my side and took my hands in his. I froze in my tracks and my breath caught in my throat. My heart began to pound so fast that it felt like I was going to explode.

"Why?" I questioned in a low voice.

"Babe, he knows that were mates. He has had people spying on you. He is upset and has declared war. Don't worry I won't let him anywhere near you. I'll keep you safe." he spoke as he stroked my hair. I stood there in shock. How could he do that to me? He has made the last two years of my life a living hell! He just needs to leave me alone.

"I don't know how you feel about me marking you, but I need to Ally." he said. I knew what it meant. It meant that he would have to bite where my neck meets my shoulder. It was a way of showing other wolves that I was indeed his. I nodded my head in agreement. He kissed me on the lips and down my jawline. I felt the tingles and my automatic response was to tangle my hands in his beautiful brown hair and pulled his face even closer to my neck. He began to nibble on my neck and I gasped at how amazing it felt. I shifted out a moan of pleasure. He then looked me in the eyes, his grey eyes danced with excitement as he softly spoke "Are you sure you're ok with this?" I couldn't find my voice so I just nodded. He then went back to kissing my neck and then I felt him sink his teeth into my neck.

I gasped and moaned at the same time. That didn't hurt like I thought I would. It actually turned me on even more. I felt blood run down my neck and Ty quickly licked it up and began sucking on the mark. The mark that showed other wolves that I had a mate. I smiled at the thought of me and Tyler being together forever. No one can seperate us. Not even my asshole of a dad.


We spent the next two weeks training. The war starts tomorrow and I'm getting more and more nervous everyday. Ty assures me that nothing is going to happen, but apparently he doesn't know my dad. I've had nightmares everynight about the war and walking away from Ty's dead body, and just like everynight I wake up screaming and covered in sweat. Ty pulls my close to him and whispers soft things in my ear to calm me down.

I walked downstairs since I woke up rather early today I decided on making everyone breakfast. I searched the cabinets and got out the stuff to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I quickly made the pancakes, flipped the bacon, and stirred the eggs. Then I sat the long table which can hold 30 people. I don't know how we all fit at the table but we do. I sat down 30 plates, forks, and cups for juice. I then sat the food down on the table and whistled as loud as I could and just like I heard food steps that sounded like a heard of cattle come running.

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