Broken Secrets ch.02

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BOOM! The front door slammed shut. I heard foot steps on the stairs getting louder as they reached my room. My heart went into over drive as I knew what was coming. At that moment my door flew open and even though it was dark in my room I could still see the evil in my dads eyes as he approached my bed. "Get Up." he spat. I lazily did as I was told. I stood there looking at him as he looked me up and down before he grabbed my by my hair and began pulling me out of my room and down the stairs. I was used to this. I didn't say anything or indicate that I was in pain, that only meant more and worse punishment.

"What is this?" he hissed in my face. My eyes followed the place he was pointing. There lay a broken picture of my mom, dad, me, and my older brother Brandon. It must have fell off the fireplace or something. "What the FUCK did you do?" he yelled. I gulped and began to say something as he shoved my face down on the glass. I felt pieces of the glass dig into my cheek and chin but I refused to let him know that he was succeeding in hurting me. "Clean this shit." he flatly spoke as he walked by he kicked me in the ribs.

I quickly began picking up the glass. I lifted my shirt up and started putting the glass in the little poutch that it made careful not to hurt myself even more. I felt the blood running down my face. As I was doing this I could hear my dad sit on the couch while watching me pick up the broken glass. My life was like this picture frame...broken. My heart was broken that my dad would ever hurt me like this. Back home I used to envy the relationships between my friends and their dads. Their dads loved them and never hurt them in anyway as to where my dad hurts me in everyway.

I picked up the last of the glass and took it to the kitchen trash. I went to the sink and began washing my hands and dapped a damp cloth on my face when I hear him walk in. He yanked me by the arm and threw me against the wall hitting my head against the wall in the process. My vision blurred and my eyes were watering. This is not how people should be treated. My dad grabbed my chin and shoved me back even further to the wall. "YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU LITTLE BITCH!" he hissed. "YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE THAT DIED IN THE ACCIDENT, NOT YOUR MOTHER." He yelled as he began punching me over and over again in the stomach. Like always I stood there and took the beatings. Occasionally yelping and the blows became harder and harder. Finally after what felt like forever he slapped me in the face and walked away.

I sunk down to the ground and pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my head on my knees and just cried. I cried because I lost my mom. I cried because I had to move away from home. More importantly I cried because my life is a living hell. I can't trust anyone anymore. I don't let people close to me because I'm afraid they will turn on me. I stick to myself and stay out of the way. I went upstairs and crawled into bed as I looked over at the clock which now read 2:30 am. I have to be up in 4 hours for school with that I finally let darkness take over and fell asleep.

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