Broken Secret ch. 13

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Hello my fellow readers! I know it's been a while my dad passed away a few months ago and Ive been so depressed and I've had a case of writers block. :/But I am back now and ready to write!
A few months have gone by since the war with my father. I have not seen or heard from him since, and even though he was not the best dad on the planet he was my dad and I miss him or at least the way it used to be when mom was here. Tyler went to a meeting for his job so I was just sitting here staring off into space. I sighed as I got off the couch and walked into the kitchen for a glass of water.

I open the cabinet and reached for a glass when all of a sudden I hear something so naturally my first reaction is to jump and I turn around to see Zach there. I dropped my glass and it broke on top of my foot. Big shards of glass digging into my skin and blood pouring into the floor. I screamed at the top of my lungs.

In a matter of seconds the whole pack is in the kitchen and I'm sitting on the floor.
"Oh Ally I am so sorry!" Zach said as he bent down to move the glass. There was so much glass that he picked me up and sat me on the counter.
"Zach it's ok. It's just a little bit of blood. Don't be such a girl." I joke because I don't want to hurt his feelings. It really hurts like a bitch.

"A little bit?!!" He yelled. Man he is freaking out a little to much. Don't get me wrong it hurts and all but his brother isn't going to be happy about this.
" I'm calling Ty." He said.
Shit. This isn't gonna be good.
Zach pulls out his phone and dials his brothers number..
"Tyler, Ally is bleeding!" He frantically spoke.
I could hear Ty yelling at him demanding to know what happened. His tone sent chills down my spine. Damn my mate gets the best of me.

"Well she was getting a glass out of the cabinet and I stood right behind her and when she turned around I scared her, and it caused her to drop the glass on her foot." He explained.
"What the hell were you doing scaring her in the first place?" I heard Tyler yell.
"I don't know! I was just joking around man. It was an accident." Zach defended.

Beth stepped in front of me and swept all the glass pieces into the dust pan. She looked at my foot and then at me. The look she gave me was one asking for permission to touch my foot.

"May I?" She asked softly. I nodded. She sprayed hydrogen peroxide all over my foot and it began to sting. I gasped but let her continue.

She began pulling out pieces of glass. Zach was still on the phone. I could tell Tyler was pissed because of the look on Zach's face. He scratched the back of his head and gave me an apologetic look.

Beth was still removing glass from my foot and she was wiping up the blood as it trickled down my foot. I began to let out loud yelps as she pulled bigger pieces.

"I'm on my way!" Tyler said as he hung up the phone.

Less than 5 minutes flat he was bolting through the door like a crazy man. I looked up at him and my heart melted. This big muscly mans eyes are so soft when he looks at me.

"Aghhhhh!" I yell as Beth pulled put the last and biggest piece of glass.
Tyler was at my side wiping away my tears and just holding me while Beth put ointment on my foot and wrapped it up.

"Thank you Beth. Sorry I was such a crybaby." I laughed.

"Oh Ally that's alright. Zach is a big goofball." She giggled. Zach shot daggers at her and stuck his tongue out at her.
I went to get off the counter but Ty was quick and picked me up and sat me on my feet.

"Dude be more careful when it comes to Alyson. I know you were just playing around but still you better be thankful it's just scratches instead of a broken bone." Tyler warned.

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