Broken Secrets ch.03

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I woke to the sound of my alarm screaming in my ears. I grunted to myself and began getting out of bed. My body ached from last nights events. I carefully walked to my bathroom and flicked on the lights. When I saw my reflection I gasped. My dark brown hair was everywhere, my emrald green eyes were a pale green instead, and my normally tan skin was paler than usual but like always covered in bruises. I look so weak and fragile. I took a deep breath and splashed water on my face then went to turn the shower on. I stripped down and stepped into the shower. I closed my eyes and let the hot water run all over my body. I held my breath as it ran over my cuts and bruises. I hate it when I can't even enjoy my showers. I wish the werewolf blood was in my veins that way I can heal quickly instead of at normal human rate. I found out that my dad was a werewolf when I was 7 years old. That's why the beatings are so intense. He has inhuman strength and speed which causes me more damage. Him and my mom were both werewolves. The day my mom and I were in the car accident she was taking me to dance and an 18 wheeler ran a stop sign and completely demolished our car. Her body was torn to pieces right in front of my eyes. I walked away with only a bump on the forehead and a broken arm.

Most werewolves change when they turn 16 and since I'm almost 18 it's apparent that I'm not a were. I jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, I quickly blow dryed and curled my already natural wavy hair. I applied light eyeshadow, mascara, and eyeliner enough to make my green eyes pop! I looked in the mirror other than the cuts on my face and the bruise on my cheek I didn't look to bad. I walked in my room and put on a flowered skirt and pink tank top. I threw my black leather jacket on and some white flats. I looked decent enough so I grabbed my backpack and keys and left for school. As I pulled up to the school I instantly noticed that this school was very big on cliques. I parked my bug and hopped out. I locked the doors and started walking to the office. I heard guys whistling at me while girls looked at me with jealousy. Little did they know that I was the jealous one because they lived normal lives as to where I get hit every night.

I felt an arm go around my shoulders and my body immediately tensed up. I froze right in my tracks and looked at this guy like he was nuts. He was drop dead gorgeous. He had light brown shaggy hair and the deepest grey eyes with a golden ring. His skin was flawless and a beautiful tan color. He was built that's sure. I felt like a midget compared to him. My 5'7 didn't even compare to his height. I wiggled out from under his arm and looked him in the eyes. "Don't touch me." I snapped. I don't like people touching me. You can never trust someone enough to know what they are capable of.

"Hi, the names Zach. Zach Johnson." he smiled genuienly at me.

"I'm Alyson Scott." I replied and stuck my hand out for him to shake. For some reason my heart trusted him. He gently shook my hand. He offered to show me the way to my classes. I kindly accepted. He took me to the office to get my schedule and he chatted my ear off. Turns out he is on the football team, has a twin brother named Tyler Johnson, and likes art and photography. We have every class together except P.E. and history. My heart was at ease knowing that I had someone to sit with other than being on my own. Not that I minded. We walked into English and all eyes were immediately on me. I smiled a little bit and went to the back and quietly took my seat. Zach stopped and talked to the teacher Mr.Barns who then looked at me and nodded then Zach came and sat beside me. He smiled at me. Boy that smile really gets your heart moving.

The rest of the morning went by in a blur and next thing I knew it was lunch time. I didn't even know that I was hungry until my stomach growled really loud. Zach laughed at the and put his arm around my shoulder. "Let's go get that monster some food." he said as he smiled at me. I giggled and replied "Sorry I was in a hurry and forgot to eat breakfast." He shook his head and laughed.

Zachs POV

I was climbing out of my truck when I noticed a black slug bug pull into the parking lot and parked beside me. Out climbed the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She was the right height and had loose dark brown curls in her hair. She looked over at me then turned around and headed to the school. She had long tan muscular legs that were drool worthy. She had curves in all the right places. I had to talk to her, I thought to myself. So I ran and caught up with her. I draped my arm on her shoulder and I felt her body tense up underneath it. I frowned and looked at her gorgeous eyes. She stopped walking and just looked at me. My heart was going crazy at the moment. Then she spoke "Don't touch me."

"I'm Zach. Zach Johnson." I stated bluntly.

"I'm Alyson Scott." Her voice was soft and almost velvet like. She stuck her tanned hand out for me to shake so I did as gently as I could. I was hypnotized by her beauty. I offered her my signature smile and showed my white teeth and suprisingly she returned the smile. I showed her around and we had all but two classes together and I was glad because I didn't know why but there was something about this girl and I wanted to know more about her. We went to class and then the day moved by fast after that. Finally it was lunch time and I seen Alyson and I put my arm around her shoulder and her stomach growled loudly. I laughed and said "Let's get that monster some food." she giggled and replied "I'm sorry I was in a hurry and forgot to eat breakfast." Her laugh was magical. I shook my head while laughing and walked towards the lunch room. I know me and Alyson are going to be great friends. I could just feel it. I wish she was my mate. But no! I got stuck with an over dramatic mate. I love my mate don't get me wrong. Her name is Tasha and she is smoking hot. Her straight blonde hair with golden eyes and tan skin. She is the type of girl that all guys fall over. Hell they follow her around. It's gross. She won't even act like were mates around other people and I don't know why. Maybe because the other guys would back down and she craved attention. Therefore we are just friends until she is ready for us to mate. I hate it because my heart is incomplete without her by my side. Enough with the mate talk.

I walked into the lunch line with Aly right beside me. "So how are you liking it here?" I asked. She looked at me with a deep look on her face. "Oh it's alright." she said. She looked so sad. Like something was missing.

Alyson's POV

Zach has been in deep thought the whole walk to the cafeteria. So I at started looking around and everyone kept looking at us and smiling at us. I just smiled kindly back. As we walked into the cafeteria I felt all eyes on us. So I just stood there. People were already talking. "She's new and already with Johnson." or "What a whore" and stuff like "Whoa she is hot." Chills ran up my spine. I hate being the center of attention. That puts you out there for people to notice you and when people notice you, bad things happen. I turned around after we got our food we went to an open table and sat down.

"So how are you liking it here?" he asked. I shrugged and replied "It's alright." I seen a group of football players crowd around our table. They all plopped down and started talking amongst themselves as if we weren't here. One guy caught my attention. Our eyes locked and I was frozen in my tracks. He looked just like Zach. His jaw was more square and he was much more buff. But other than that they were identical. He looked at me with lust in his eyes. I felt my heart pick up abnormally. He quickly looked at Zach and said "Little brother finally got a girl?"

Zach rolled his eyes "No Tyler. This is my friend Alyson." He said with a smile. I looked over at Tyler who had a look that said "Yeah whatever." I smiled and he looked at me with passion then replaced the kind look with a cold glare. "I don't care." he grumbled. The bell rang and everyone dashed off to class.

I was kinda hurt by the cold way that Tyler acted. I felt this draw towards him. Like my body belonged to him. It was weird, my heart was content. I heard this voice inside my head say "MINE" Thats weird I thought to myself. That voice isn't mine. I ignored it and walked with Zach to class. We walked into the room and I saw all the football boys from lunch in the back corner. They were in a group talking and I noticed that Tyler had his tongue down some girls mouth. I'm not sure why but my heart broke a little at the sight but I forced myself not to let it show. I sat down and the bell rang. The girl Tyler was making out with sat in between me and him. "I'm Brittany." she smiled in a mischievous way. I so badly wanted to reach over and slap her. But instead I replied "I'm Alyson. Or Ally. Whichever you prefer." I looked forward and watched the video we were watching. My gaze met Tylers glare. What the hell is his problem? Asshole.

A few minutes after class had started a cute girl came running in apologizing for her tardiness and sat right in front of me. She had light brown hair that was curled half way down her back. She had deep ocean blue eyes and beautiful tan skin. She looked at me and smiled as she turned around and continued to look at me.
"Hi I'm Bethany. But you can call me Beth." She offered with a sweet genuine smile.
"I'm Alyson or Ally." I retuned a smile.
"You're new." She said. I nodded my head. "I just moved here from Oklahoma." I stated.
"You're beautiful! Believe me we need more nice pretty people around here since this school is filled with jerks and whores." She giggled. She asked if we could hangout one day after school and I nodded and we exchanged phone numbers. For the remainder of class we watched the film and remained quiet.

The final bell rang and everyone shagged ass. I left to my car jumped in and hauled ass out of there. One thing on my mind. Tyler Johnson.

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