Broken Secrets ch.06

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Hey guys! I'm really getting into writing this story. I have so many ideas and i'm trying to make them all work. Please keep in mind that this is my first story! I hope y'all are liking it so far. Vote and comment to let me know<3 Thank you.


As Tom was pulling me away from the bonfire my heart was doing flips in my chest. Finally he stopped walked and turned to face me. He then started rubbing his hands up and down my body and kissing my neck. At first I just stood there because I was in shock but after a minute I pushed him off me. "Stop it Tom." I slurred. He wouldn't listen, instead he put his lips on mine. I felt vomit rising up my throat. My breath quickened and my head began to spin. He moved his lips to my neck. His hot breath on my neck was making me even dizzier. I kept pushing his hands away from my breasts but he was stronger than me. He slipped his hands under my shirt and bra and began playing with my nipples. I yelped as he pinched down roughly on the left one. I shoved him as hard as I could away from me. "STOP TOUCHING ME!" I yelled as loud as I could. He looked around us then slapped me as hard as he could.

I fell to the ground and grabbed my cheek. Tears began to fall down my face. Next thing I knew Tom was on top of me. He roughly unbuttoned my shorts He stuck his hand in my panties and began touching me. I was now bawling my eyes out and telling him to quit and trying to wiggle away from him. All of a sudden he was thrown off of me. I looked over and Tyler was punching and kicking Tom over and over again in the ribs and face. Tom was begging Tyler to stop but he didn't. I buttoned up my shorts and put my head on my knees and cried like I have many times before.

"Dude plase stop! I didn't know what I was doing. I swear." Tom cried.

"No! Fuck that. You heard her tell you no and yet you kept going!." Tyler spat as he continued beating the shit out of him. I sat there and cried then I felt someone wrap me in their arms. I looked up at Zach. He smiled at me before getting up and joining Tyler beating the shit out of Tom. Sean and Bryan then joined in. Tyler stepped away from Tom's almost unconsious body and he came to me.

"You ok?" he asked in a low voice. I nodded but couldn't stop the tears from falling. He swept me in his arms and carried me bridal style to his truck. He started the truck and then pulled away from the bonfire leaving it in the dust as he drove off. I finally stopped crying and was silent looking down at my hands. I have the most fucked up life I thought to myself. My mom is gone. My dad hates me and abuses me almost everyday. The girls at school hate me for some reason I can't grasp. My mate refuses to be with me and rubs his whores in my face. Now I was harrassed at this bonfire. What's next?

Tyler reached over and took my hand in his. I felt the tingles shoot through my hand as he ran his thumb up and down my hand. I smiled at him. "I'm sorry that Tom was a dick to you. He nomally isn't like that. The alcohol got the best of him. I thnk we took care of him enough." he said as he drove. Alcohol really isn't an excuse but I guess I understand what Tyler means.

"I understand. I just didn't want him all over me. I was really freaked out back there." I whispered. I was looking at my hands. Tyler stopped the truck and turned to face me. He pulled me closer to him and started playing with a piece of my hair. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I was trying to get Brittany off of me. She is a bit clingy. But I noticed that you were gone so I followed you're scent. I felt something was wrong. If I would have came sooner, you wouldn't have been attacked." his voice was low and regret all over his face. I reached over and cupped his cheek. I leaned in and kissed it. "Ty, you saved me. Whether you know it or not. If you wouldn't have came when you did things would have ended up worse." I said. He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"I don't know what it is about you Ally, but I feel the need to protect you at all costs. My heart goes into overdrive when you're around me. When I touch you tingles shoot through my body and it's a weird feeling but definitely something I can get used to. I can't even look at girls the way I used to. I haven't slept with anyone since you moved here a month ago. I know that sounds bad but for me not sleeping with anyone for that long really says something Ally. Whenever Brittany kisses me I try to pretend it's you, but it doesn't work. The feeling of someone elses lips on mine makes me sick. I'm just rambling on but what I'm trying to say is that I need you Ally-" I cut him off and put my lips right on his. The tingles shot through my body like a bolt of lightening. He began kissing me back and it was magical. We kissed until we needed to stop for air. Both of us panting with passion and something else I couldn't put my finger on in his eyes.

"Tyler I feel the same exact way when we touch. It's a magnetic like feeling." i said. He leaned in and began kissing me harder than before. I opened my mouth and granted his tongue access to my full mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance and he won. He pulled away and grunted "mate" under his breath in the sexiest voice I have ever heard. He looked in my eyes like he was looking for an answer. Then he smiled at me and I returned the smile. "I'm taking you to my house. My parents are away. Don't worry nothing is going to happen, I just don't want you to be alone tonight and Im not ready to let you go." he said with a smile on his face.

A few weeks ago I couldn't get this guy to talk to me, now were mates and I'm going to his house.

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