"And, just so you know," Ness said, pointing at the hazel eyes one and the other that she hadn't yet addressed, "the safety is still on. You might need to turn that off if you're going to try and shoot me." She smirked and walked down the hall to investigate the place further, pretending to not take notice of their slacked jaws.

Lilly followed behind Ness further into the building, almost laughing at their shocked faces. As she passed the men, she studied their faces closer. She recognized the one that tried to shoot her best friend. Lilly glared at him as she passed him.

"Try to shoot her again, and I will not hesitate to pull that trigger. Hear me?" The man nodded, fear flashing across his features for a split second. Lilly smirked as she caught up with Ness.

"Keep your weapon at the ready. We don't know if these guys are safe or not. I do want to help them, though. No one else needs to die," Ness whispered. Lilly nodded and put her hand at her weapon, ready to shoot if necessary.

Ness lead the way through the building, lightly stepping over and around various objects that littered the floor. Miscellaneous papers were spread across the ground and overturned chairs and desks turned into obstacles they had to weave around.

The guys followed behind them, the two who hadn't had the safety off doing so now. Just in case, Ness didn't hesitate to walk around and search all of the rooms. They may have had walkers that had somehow gotten trapped. The result if one of those things got out wouldn't be a good one. None of the rooms were special; they were all pretty much the same. Papers strewn around the room, chairs sitting sideways and upside down on the floor, inverted tables laying about. It was simply a mess.

Ness opened one door and heard female shrieks and the skidding of chairs on the wooden floors. When she peeked in she found a few girls around her age standing there trembling, not knowing who in the world they were.

The guys rushed in at the sound of the girls' screams, guns held up at Ness and Lilly, prepared to shoot. Ness kept a neutral expression, not too keen on dealing with the screeches. "It wasn't me. I just opened the door, I swear."

Since she had told them sort of how to use a gun, she was just a tiny bit afraid they might shoot if she scared them too much. That was the reason the other one shot at her.

The first man they had met put down his gun and watched as the rest did the same. "It's alright."

Ness nodded and proceeded to walk around the room they had been staying in. The girls cowered and stayed as far away from Ness as possible as they inched towards the guys.

They shouldn't depend so much on the men, Ness had thought. They needed to learn how to protect themselves. If they got stranded alone and didn't know how to fight then they were dead meat. It'd be inevitable.

As Ness continued to scrutinize the room, she saw something move in the corner and immediately pulled out her gun, getting it ready to shoot. The girls screamed and the guys yelled, shouting at her to stop. More guns were pulled out and aimed at one another, so Ness put her hands up in surrender, tucking her gun away again. "Calm your tits, I'm not shooting."

Ness looked to the corner. That was where she had seen the movement to begin with. There, huddled in the tiny corner, was a man. Yet, he was so distraught that she had mistaken him for one of the deadly creatures from outside. His hair was greasy and unkempt, his eyes bloodshot and puffy. Tears leaked out of his eyes but his face remained still and motionless. Dark circles made themselves noticeable and showed off how much sleep he'd gotten lately.

She cautiously walked towards him, taking feather light steps until she was within arms length of him. Then she crouched down so she was his height. His knees were pulled to his chest and he rocked back and forth, muttering to himself while his lips barely moved. She sat right in front of him on her knees, but he seemed to stare right through her as if she was transparent. Warily, she tapped his arm, looking for any response.

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