Chapter 1

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"Ms. Herald, it's time to wake up. Ms. Herald, are you really asleep? Ms. Herald!"

I jerked my head up, snorting and rubbing my eyes to the laughter of the rest of my class.

"What?" I yawned loudly, but seeing my heavy-set Geometry teacher's face woke me up real fast. "Oh, uh, the answer is thirty seven!"

Mr. Lincoln rolls his eyes and sighed. "Get up, Ms. Herald. You're being called down to the office - again."

I groaned,"She threw the syrup at me first!" I slammed my textbook shut and grinned as I gathered my things; the whole class was laughing. Mr. Lincoln waddled around trying to quiet my peers, tossing me a sticky-note pass and waving me out the door.

I shuffled my feet to the office; as I entered, the secretary gave me the look. I grinned at her and she chuckled, nodding her head full of blonde curls towards the principal's private office.

I knocked, waited probably half a second, then entered.

"Ah, Ms. Herald. Great to see you found your way here, this time."

"Well, Mr. D, the squirrels weren't chirping today," I plopped down next to Maggie, my sister, who was seat in one of the armchairs in front of Mr. Delacini's long oak desk.

"Euh - what?"

Maggie smiled crazily, tapping the side of her head,"Lacey's got squirrels in her head, and when they chirp she can't focus. Today they weren't chirping."

I smiled,"Not yet, anyway."

"Alright, enough you two!" Mr. D grumbled. "It's funny the first time, but I won't have it. The syrup incident this morning is unacceptable. The janitor's had to clean that up!"

"Lacey and I would have gladly cleaned it ourselves, and -"

"You and your adoptive sibling have classes, in case you forgot! And with the amount of irregular absences - if I find either of you wandering the school any time besides Passing, it's Saturday detention!"

Maggie huffed, leaning into Mr. F's desk. "She isn't my adoptive sibling, she's my sister! If you intend to get us to cooperate, respect our relationship. If not, my father will gladly donate money to another prestigious school, and Ashton will pack his bags - no more sports trophies will grace the halls of the Delacini Preparatory Institute of Opal Cliffs."

A minute passed, Maggie and the principal's gazes were locked. His jaw ticked, and finally the old badger looked away.

As the bell rang, he ground out,"This is your last chance, the both of you. Now get out of my office."

"It smells in here, anyway." Maggie waved me along.

"Have a great day, Mr. D," I smiled s early before slamming his door shut.

Maggie and I stopped by the secretary's desk to chat.

"Charlie, you need to find that man a girlfriend!" I exclaimed.

She giggled,"I've tried, but Mr. Delacini isn't... Interested in women."

Maggie burst out laughing,"That's a ripe one! See you, Charlie!"

The late bell rang as Maggie and I split up, promising to see each other at lunch.

"Hey, let me know if the new English teacher is hot - I heard he's got some British accent, and he's well-traveled." Maggie wiggled her eyebrows and

"I'll be the judge of that!" I grinned and hugged my sister goodbye before hurrying to my next class.

A hot English teacher? What was this, another episode of Pretty Little Liars?

I wouldn't mind...

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