Chapter 11

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Later in the day Kara started to feel like her normal self, but unfortunately for Kara this meant that she was overexcited and bouncy.

Kara was getting impatient just sitting around and doing nothing.

Kara: "I'm still bored, can you do something to entertain me" she said to Winn.

Winn: "Well... last time I did that you fainted" he said laughing.

Kara's eyes widened, while her face turned red.

Winn: "Ow... you didn't mean it like that did you" he said blushing a lot.

Kara whispered "omg" under her breath.

Kara: "I'm gonna go to go talk to someone else" she said getting up and walking away.

Kara started walking away and looked around for someone to talk too.
Scanning the DEO she saw Riley, with her head down on the desk again.

Kara approached Riley to start a conversation with her.

Kara: "Hey Riley"

Riley peaked up from resting her head on the desk.

Riley: "Hi Kara"

Kara was stood there trying to think of what to say, not realising how awkward she was looking.

Riley: "Did you need something?" she asked

Kara: "Um... no, I kind of just wanted to talk to somebody"

Riley started to look confused.

Kara finally thought of a topic to talk about and asked Riley it straight away to avoid any more awkwardness.

Kara: "So, how did you get your powers?"

Riley sat up straight and crossed her arms as she started to speak.

Riley: "Well... if I'm being completely honest I'm not to sure where I got them"

Kara was a bit confused, and was asking herself how Riley doesn't know how she got her powers.

Riley: "I think they might have been like a ticking time bomb or something, but if you could tell me then that would be great, because I'm a really curious person"

Kara: "Well does anyone else you know, know about the powers you have?"

Riley: "No... just me, you and the rest of the DEO"

Kara: "So, do your parents not know?"

Riley paused and then shook her head in response. Kara nodded understandingly and pulled up a chair to the table they were at.

Riley: "So... what's the deal with you and that lad over there" she asked flicking her head in the direction towards Winn.

Kara giggled for a moment at the fact that she called him a lad and then said.

Kara: "What do you mean, and his name is Winn not lad" still giggling.

Riley: "I'm British Kara, if he is a boy then he is a lad"

Kara: "Then what does that make me then?"

Kara loved the British, she thought their accents were cute, and are a very sarcastic race of people.

Riley: "That my super friend makes you a lass" she said while smiling.

Kara: "A lass, like a lasso"

Riley rolled her eyes hoping to god she was joking.

Riley: "No, I'm positive its just lass" she said whilst shaking her head.

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