"UGH FINE, JUST TELL ME EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED TOMORROW." She whined and heard footsteps slowly disappearing

Well, it is time to sleep.

This day is literally one of the best. 



"Y-Yeah." I sheepishly replied and lowered my head.

"Oh my banana. You chose the right girl my smart brother. I'm soooo excited for the wedding!" She exclaimed and flipped the pancake.

"Uhuh." I replied back to my boring self and gave her the plate

"You need to work out Len." Lenka said out of nowhere and poured the maple syrup and butter on my pancake

"Ha?" Do I even need to go to the gym?

"You look weeeaak! Wouldn't it be more romantic if she suddenly collapsed and you carried her, with some muscles exposed and suddenly she woke up, feeling dizzy and said the words "I love you Len" and then boom a kiss? KYAAA! JUST BY THINKING ABOUT IT MAKES ME WANT TO LEND YOU BARBELS." A fangirl.


Why have you given me this kind of sister?

Is there something that I've done wrong?

Landing the plate in front of me, a well presented pancake like in those commercials.

"Bon appetite!*" She said and sat to her chair.

"Yeah yeah."

"Itadakimasu!*" Saying out loudly, she began eating it

"Also, how's Japan?" I asked opening a topic.

"Noice." She said while gobbling her food.

"Everyone pretty much liked me! They said my voice was cute and unique though, I kind of have a rival but we're friends!"

"Rival?" I asked out of curiosity

"Yeah! Her name's Lily." Lily? Haven't I heard that somewhere?

"Lily?!" I stood up roughly almost making the plate fall

"Yeah, jeez be careful."

"She's Rin's sister." I whispered those words and looked at her shocked face


"Dingdong!" I heard Rin outside, pressing the doorbell and at the same time saying ding dong. I went to the door and opened it.

"Heey! You guys don't really lock your gates do you?" She smiled

"RIIIIINN." Does anybody thinks that my sister's actually crazy? I mean don't they realize it?

"HAAAAII*?" Rin gasped and went inside totally ignoring me and followed where the voice came from.

I chuckled and closed the door, going back to the dining room.

"Oh! So you're Lily's sister! In Japan, we don't mostly reveal our last names since it's kind of our style as pop stars but some would eventually post it on Wikipedia."

"How's life there Lenka-nee?" She asked immediately and didn't realized that she changed the topic

"Oh! It's pretty hard but seeing the four seasons were lovely! The language was a little hard to study but I eventually got a hang of it." They started chatting whilst I eat peacefully.

=Just A Dream?= [CURRENTLY EDITTING]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें