Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

The kiss was short, but as sensual and electric as ever. Making out in public was not something I was entirely comfortable with, but just being with Nick, was.

“Shall we head inside?” Nick Murmured in my ear, as he pulled me in for a long embrace.

“Yes, I think that is a perfect idea” I agreed.

Reluctantly Nick and I pulled our bodies away from each other and continued walking in to the resort. Our room was beautiful; the view of the beach was amazingly breath-taking. If ever I needed to run away again, if ever I needed to start afresh I was going to do it here, somewhere relatively untouched, natural and quiet. It wouldn’t be needed though; my new life in LA was looking relatively spectacular these days.  

Later that night we met with everyone else for dinner.

“So, your boyfriend is a little cheeky huh” Janie exclaimed, elbowing me softly in the side.

“Just a little, though mind you, I’m not complaining, when we get back home I’m going to be stuck in the studio, guess I am kind of grateful for the time”

“I can’t believe that I’m going to be the best friend of a super star” Janie mooned

“I’m already the best friend of a super star Janie. You’ve been amazing to me, and we’ve only known each other such a short time.”

“Don’t start! You’ll make me cry” she giggled “and I’m not wearing waterproof mascara”

“Well it’s true. I think I would have quit work in that first week if it weren’t for you, Josh and Marc” I replied honestly, momentarily placing my hand over hers on top of the table.

“I wouldn’t have let you, you know. I’d have forced you to come back.” She replied with a hint of laughter.

I looked over at Nick who was chatting very intently with Dj; he looked up at me, and smiled before turning back to Dj. I looked down at the table and smiled. It was truly a miracle, all of this. I couldn’t help but think it almost seemed like I was asleep and everything that had happened in the past month was a dream. I resisted the urge to pinch myself, afraid that if I did so, it wouldn’t hurt.

Everything seemed perfect, and the one thing I knew about perfection was that it wasn’t something that could keep going forever.

The rest of the week however, was perfect and I was thankful for it. When we left Hawaii on Sunday afternoon, Part of me was sad. Life had seemed easier there somehow.

Once we landed back at LAX. Reality came crashing back. The paparazzi were more than aware of Nick’s presence this time, regardless of the disguise.  I walked along side Dj, just slightly behind Nick. As I pulled my suitcase behind me, Dj uttered

“Just keep your head down, the pap’s know both me and Nick, and while this isn’t an ideal situation, it’ll be good publicity in the long run”

I nodded, and looked down at the ground. The others had managed to escape the hordes of cameras, and part of me wished I’d been with them.

“Who’s the girl Nikolai?” A pap called out He looked familiar, and for a moment I couldn’t place it. Then my heart sunk and I realised who it was.

“I see you bought yourself a new camera” Nick scathed

The paparazzo smirked and shrugged his shoulders. Obviously Nick threatening him outside the restaurant that night hadn’t completely scared him off being an invasive asshole.

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