1: A Pair Of Wings

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So yup, first story. I was kinda being lazy at the end but it'll do, for now. Bring on the comments! And please, a vote would be very much appreciated.


Star remembered the last time she saw her mother's butterfly form. It was the day the Johansen's came for a family reunion which, as every year, turned into a war between flags and yet this year, Marco supposedly claimed the hill as his own.

And it got her thinking...

When would she get her own pair of wings? And probably an extra set of appendages.
After Marco's dork-ish victory dance, the girl asked her mother when she would finally complete her own Mewberty form. Her mother answered with an unfortunate "After you turn eighteen." and so she was forced to wait for four years.

Star looked at herself in the mirror. The four years she'd impatiently waited for had approached with prompt. Time didn't really go slow for the princess with Marco around, so she didn't have to go back to the Plains Of Time to see Father time again. That and she was afraid she'd alter the space-time continuum.

The Queen's words were true. Star smiled widely as she sprouted her fully groan wings. Beating them ever so slowly, Star took in the intricate design. Hearts littered its edges with swirls sprawled around the middle and a five-pointed star finishing the look in each wing.
But don't let the wings take all the attention.
Two more sets of arms appeared from her sides and she took a few moments to get used to them. The blonde squealed, beating her wings a little faster, causing her to momentarily hover. She laughed, her original hands met her forehead as she collected herself out of sheer joy.

"Oh man... I can't believe this!"

Glossaryck floated behind her, observing every new accessory added to her nature. He was a little weary with the wings though, they were a tad bit large for her age but was okay enough for her to use her inner magic.
"I think its alright..." he began. Star, not being aware of his presence until now, hummed, not exactly hearing what he said as she touched her wings with her lowest set of arms.
"Wanna test it out?" the blue creature asked, his sarcastic voice coming back to life as he leaned forward, eyes sparkling with mischief.
Star paused and straightened her posture, "I'll go grab Marco!" she exclaimed, pointing a finger in the air before dashing out of her room to meet the aforementioned brunette, who was completely oblivious to her transformation.

College was an easier challenge than dealing with inter dimensional ordeals. That was Marco's opinion. But even though so, he had to study for an upcoming exam this Monday and would gladly appreciate it if no one would come barging in his room with a wand in hand.
There were two news for Marco. Good news was that there was no one who barged in with a wand, and the bad news? Star barged in with wings.
"What the...?" the boy didn't have time to recollect as he was grabbed by the wrist and one thing he knew, he was flying.
Looking down, the boys eyes glimmered at the majestic view from up above his hometown. His eyes reflected the mesmerizing scene, which Star smirked as she continued to glide across the sky.

"Pretty awesome, right?" she hollered against the wind, the feeling of freedom fluttering in her hair and the weight of waiting for four years finally lifting off her shoulders.
Marco looked up, meeting her eyes, those sparkling eyes that got him wondering the true meaning of their friendship and why his heart was beating so fast. Coming back to his senses, the boy smiled.

Maybe someone barging in with wings wasn't such a bad thing after all.
And maybe if it was Star barging in, he'd always have fun anyways.

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