Chapter 2: Cloudy Chance

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Sunset Shimmer woke up from her sleep and had breakfast at her kitchen table, her mother was washing the dishes. "Sunset, may I ask you, to do a favor, for me?"

"Sure, what is it?" Sunset bit her bagel.

Sunshine Shimmer placed the dishes away, in the cabinets. "When, you're done with your breakfast, can you please, do some grocery shopping for me?"


"It's just that, I need to handle some things, now."

Sunset finished her bagel and drank the remainder of her milk. "Ok, I'm done." she got up from the table and placed her dirty dishes, into the sink.

"Great!" Sunshine smiled at her daughter and using her magic, she pulled out a white piece of paper, that was on the upper left side of her and a satchel that was on her upper right. "Here's the list of the stuff, that you have to get." she levitated it, making it go in Sunset's mouth. "And, here's the bag, that you'll be using.. to carry the groceries."

"Ok, anything else?" Sunset said through her mouth, that was full of a sheet of paper.

"Oh!" Sunshine said in surprise. "I almost forgot to mention, that in the satchel that I gave you, I left a small bag.. of bits, for you to use."

Sunset nodded, she couldn't really say anything. "Be back at home, soon!"

"I will."


Sunset Shimmer walked around in Canterlot, glancing at the buildings and stands. "Hmm... Let's see! What's the first thing, that I have to get on my list?" the young filly took the paper out of her mouth and looked at it. "2 glass bottles of milk." she scanned the area with her eyes, spotting a stall that had a farmer unicorn at it, behind him was a small fenced area that had cows in it. There was also small chicken coops, that had...Well, chickens and eggs.

"Excuse, me, I would like 2 glass bottles of milk, please." Sunset told the farmer.

"Sure, youngster!" the male farmer took out the glass bottles of milk and put them on top of the wooden counter, of his stall. "That'll be 2 bits!"

Sunset opened her satchel and the small brown bag of money too, giving him the bits that were for the purchase that she had made. Next, she took the milk bottles and put them away. "Thanks, for the purchase."

"You're welcome." she moved onto the next thing that was on her list, blueberries. She got a bag of blueberries, and step after step, she got the items that were on the rest of the list; oats, baking powder, eggs, and flour. After she had gotten all of the groceries, she began her walk that would lead her back home. On her way, she saw many fillies with their fathers. It must of been Father's Day, of course.

Just seeing them, made Sunset Shimmer frown in sadness. It made her feel alone. She couldn't take it anymore as there were happy fillies, so she quickly trotted to her house with her eyes closed, not baring to look at their warm smiles and their lively laughter. She almost bumped into a few ponies, but she passed them by zigging and zagging away onto her left and right side. Finally, she had made it to her home, she panted from her quick run and sighed to herself.

She opened and closed the front door of her house. "I'm home, Mother!" she shouted, loud enough for her mom to hear. "And I have all of the groceries, that you asked for," she went in the kitchen and placed her satchel down onto the kitchen table, taking out the oats, glass bottles of milk, blueberries, baking powder, eggs, and flour.

"Great, thanks, my little Sun," Sunshine Shimmer turned around to face her, showing that she wanted her special attention.

"You're welcome." Sunset was about to step out of the kitchen, but she stopped herself, and turned back, to look at her mother. "Mother, can I ask you, something?"

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