• Chapter One •

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(Lily's P. O. V)

"Please.... just.... let me go." I mumbled as the demon walked to me with a smirk on his face. His black eyes fixated on my dark brown eyes. He cleaned his knife on one of his sleeves. The abandoned warehouse was dull and dusty, you couldn't make much out, the only light shining through was from the few window which sunlight beamed through.

The had me chained to the wall by my wrists and ankles. The chains were heavy and separated my hands away from each other whereas my feet we loose in the chains.

My bloodstained jeans and plaid shirt had rips in them from the bitch that was torching me. I was to weak to do anything. My clothing and any skin that showed was muddy and had grass stains in a few places.

"Oh no to let you go would just be boring but to do this." He pushed a blade into my side. "Is way more fun don't you think?" He chuckled.

I bit my lip trying to hold back a scream. I took a sharp breathe in as he pulled it out blood dripping from it. Blood poured out from me making me a little dizzy. The pain was unbearable.

He stopped. He came closer to me and stroked my cheek and then whispered in my ear "Unless of course you wanna make a deal." He pulled away with a smirk. I spat in his face and with some of the last energy I had left I mumbled "Go... to Hell you dickbag."

His face grew angry. "Your loss." He growled and slashed the blade around a few more times until I said "When I get out.... I'm gonna...kick your fricking ass." I said through breaths. I could feel my heart pounding inside of my chest. Sweat dripping from me, my arms and legs weak. I was useless, I couldn't do anything.

He laughed "Well here's the thing, you ain't ever getting out sweetheart."
I rested my head against the cold brick wall behind me and looked up at the ceiling.
We both suddenly heard a loud bang and our eyes shot to were it was coming from. At last! She had finally decided to show up!

"Miss me?" Kaitlyn asked holding a demon blade up the the demon as she walked towards us.

Kaitlyn was tall and slender, she had dark blue eyes and long blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail. She wore a green flannel shirt with a white tank top underneath, she had blue denim jeans on just like mine... but hers wasn't covered in blood or ripped.

The demon didn't have time to awnser before Kaitlyn stabbed him in the heart. She ran over to my weak body hanging from the wall.

"Lily, are you alright?" She asked me as she unchained me quickly. She gently held onto me as I was released from the chains. She swung my arm over her shoulder to help me walk. "Do I look okay, dumbass?" I breathed heavily. We walked out the abandoned warehouse and into the bright light. I winced at the sun shining down on me.

"What took you so long?" I asked as she supported me to her car. I leaned on the hood. She looked at me "Some guy claims I was breaking the speed limit." She said as she took off her flannel shirt.
I rolled my eyes. "Of course because the law is more important then your best friends life right? How could I forget?" I said sarcastically as she handed me her shirt. I gently tended to my wounds and winced at the pain still growing.

She was silent. I glanced up at her, she was staring at something behind me. "Lily." She whispered pulling me down behind the car with her. "Ouch!" I shouted. She quickly held her hand to my mouth shutting me up. She stared at me and gave me "the don't make a noise" look. She slowly pulled her hand away. "What?" I whispered. She poked her head just above the car. I copied her. "Them." She whispered to me. I looked over.

There was a tall man with long brown hair and hazel eyes carrying a duffle bag over one of his shoulder. His worn jeans and shirts were a little dirty and his handsome face gazed of into the warehouse. Beside him stood a slightly shorter man, he had green eyes and was also very attractive and wore similar style clothes to the other. They were talking to one another too quietly for me and Kaitlyn to hear.

I knelt back down slowly at the same time as Kaitlyn. She raised her index finger to her lips. The pain still was killing me and I knew I wasn't going to be able to run or even stand up straight without falling.

We looked to them again. This time another man had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Where the hell did he just come from? He wore a black suit and beige trench coat with a blue tie. His black hair and blue eyes where stunning. He was stunning just like the other two.

I glanced at Kaitlyn. "How are we gonna get away?" I whispered to her. She looked at me worriedly as we both sank to the floor again. "We will have to run. Come back for the car later." She whispered to me. I shook me head "I can't run. I can... limp." I told her quietly. She shook her head. "We'll have to wait them out then." She told me.

A loud cough came from the side of us both grabbing our attention. Mine and Kaitlyn's heads shot up to see all three men staring down at us. The green eyed man was holding a knife to us and the taller one clenched the shotgun pointing down at us "Who're you?" The tallest one asked.

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