a guide to the zombie wastland

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*Hi this is my first time trying to post a story on wattpad so any help would be greatly appreciated good or bad any would be helpful.*

chapter 1: The begining of the end

In the days after the first outbreak the world was in chaos as town, city and country all fell. One after another people where killed but the didnt stay dead for long, zombies like the ones in the movies there was no way to predict it would happen. Just one night and the entire world as we know it was destroyed. The army, police and even ordinary civilians tried to fight back but there were too many. There aren't very many humans left now and every day there are less and less. With every human we lose they gain another weapon, a killing machine that never sleeps, never stops. My name is james its been a year now, i live in a city called Glasgow and im going to survive this no matter what it takes

*I know this is short but im going to post more soon thanks for any help. and i couldn't think of a good title*

a guide to the zombie wastlandUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum