Potions was incredibly boring and Snape was still incredibly terrible. He took at least fifty points from Gryffindor and handed out ten detentions for stupid things. Lee got detention for answering a question wrong. Fred got a detention for asking a question about the potion. Hell, even I got detention! For what, you ask? For giving a smart Alec response apparently. All I did was answer the damn question! I know I would like Potions if it wasn't for Snape.

Lunch went by far too quickly for my liking, considering I had to go to Umbitch next. Well, let's hope this goes by fast.


The pink toad is horrible. We aren't going to be learning how to perform spells this year! How are we going to learn how to defend ourselves if all she wants us to do is read? I mean, seriously, the name of the class is 'Defense Against the Dark Arts.' She insists on filling our brains with the whole 'Voldemort is not back' nonsense.

Then who killed Cedric?

"What?! What did you just say, Miss Black?"

Damn. I said that out loud. I'll just go with it. I really need to start controlling my mouth....

"I said, 'Then who killed Cedric?' Who nearly killed Harry? How can you just sit there and think that Harry is lying? You can't keep living in that world of denial! Why would Harry lie about Voldemort being back? Why would he lie about who killed Cedric? What motive does he have for it? He's a teenager for Christ's sake, he has no motive to lie about something like this!"

She was fuming, "ENOUGH! Detention, Miss Black!"

I simply looked back down to my book. I wasn't going to give her the reaction she so desperately wanted.

She made a noise similar to 'hmph!' before turning around and stalking back to her desk.

I saw Fred grinning at me out of the corner of my eye. I didn't talk for the rest of the class and glared at Umbitch when she wasn't looking. Oops.

Umbitch continued to dole out detentions and yelled at students every chance she got. What a wonderful professor. Note my sarcasm.

Later at supper Fred retold my 'heroic actions' as he put it. Everyone was smiling and congratulating me. Finally, a look of something other than sympathy!

Harry, who was sitting beside me, turned to me and hugged me. "Thank you... Cousin," He whispered in my ear. Dad must have told him.

I smiled weakly. "No problem, little cuz," I whispered back.

He grinned at me, "I still can't believe it. I actually have family, other than those awful Dursleys."

I smiled weakly once again. "I know Harry. But just know that I'm always going to be there for you. Even if at times, I get like I am right now, you know, the whole emotionless and depressed thing, I will always be there for you."

He smiled and crushed me in a hug once again. I hugged him back tightly. He is family.

I saw Fred smile at us out of the corner of my eye. I think I might be slowly returning back to normal.

I also know that I will never get over my mother's death. I know that I will have to face more deaths in the future. I know nothing is safe anymore. But I also know that we have something worth fighting over. We have something Voldy doesn't have. We have love. We have family.

The rest of supper was uneventful. I had just finished eating a roll when Umbitch came up to me.

"Detention with me in an hour, Miss Black. Don't be late," she said sharply.

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