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After I practically slaughtered those cops, I set off, almost skipping, with a huge smile on my face. This is fun!

Hmmm... where to go... where to go...?

I stopped, taking a look at the file I found in the Lab. It was some info about me.

Name: (y/n) (l/n)

Age: 16

Address: (Random street name and City) (Sorry, 'bout that... couldn't think of something..)

Well.. a perfect waste of time. 

You need a new name... and you need to hide. Maybe your old home could serve as a hideout until you figure out what to do.

Shut up Voice In My Head!

THAT'S the best you can come up with?

Fine! I'll just call you... I don't know! Sara? Screw this, this is a waste of time.

You're going nuts and you're worried about giving me a name?

I could say the same to you!

The voice just ignored me. Stupid voice.

Shaking my head, I searched for my old home. Despite how annoying... uh... Candace is, She has good ideas.

Candace... hmmm... better...

"Shut the hell up!" I said, earning odd looks from people close by.

Oops. Dammit! My face!

 I frantically looked around, searching for something to hide my face with. After a while, I settled with just hiding in my hood.

Oh, well.

I finally found my old home. It was a relatively big house, two stories, with chipping eggshell paint and a small lawn in front.

I climbed the stairs, finding the door unlocked. Weird...

Hey, doofus! Maybe your parents still live here!

I mentally face palmed. Why didn't I think about that?

Technically you did, Einstein. How is it that I'm smarter than you?

You're not! I'm just not very... focused right now... why can't I remember anything?

Fuck if I know.

Oh, sure, now you're clueless.

Just for that sarcastic retort, I'm not gonna tell you how to access your memories

Liar! I'll figure it out, just fuck off!


Walking silently into the house, not wanting to make my presence too obvious, I peek into the first room, which was the living room.


Not bothering to look around in it just yet, I check the kitchen, where a middle-aged female was washing dishes. She was relatively short, still taller than me though, and had the same (h/c) locks as I did, but had some grey streks in it.

It was my Mother.

"M-mom?" I ask, wanting to clarify my theory.

She whirled, obviously surprised, so much so, I could swear she almost crapped herself.

"(y-y/n)? Get away! You're not my daughter! Freak! Demon! I told them to keep you away! You shouldn't have returned!" she shrieked.

Even though I don't remember her, her words shattered my heart. I also broke down the last bits of sanity I had left.

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