Part 11 - What do you mean fight?!?

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AND YES, I called a cookie adorable... LOOK AT ITTT

Now, to the story

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Now, to the story... What you came here for!


Astrid's POV

"The project will be worth 25% of your grade so you must be able to work together with your partner." Miss Ava (A/N Don't judge my naming skills) said.

"You will not be able to choose your partners because I have already done so." I groaned at this as well as everyone else in the class

"Ariel and Eric" 'Not me'
"Anna and Kristoff"  'Nope'
"Astrid and Heather" 'Definatley not m-'

"WHAT?!?!" Me and Heather squeal in unison

"Is there a problem girls?" The teacher asked confused.

"Hell Yeah!" I yelled

"Gods Yes!" Heather yelled

"Well, unfortunatly you will have to live with it because it is already on the system." Miss Ava said. Gods, she's a nice teacher but she has no sense of style. Just like how she picked our partners.

"Fine." I huff and glanced at Heather who was fuming

"As I was saying, Hiccup and Snotlout"
'Uh Oh..' I glances at the boys who were throwing daggers at each other and, Hiccup looked like he was about to burst into flames.

And he was saved by the bell! "REMEMBER! IT IS WORTH 25% OF YOUR GRADE!" Miss Ava yelled as we were leaving the classroom.

I walked out my hand covering my eyes and groaning.

"Ugh! Watch it Bitch!" Heather growled and I took my hand off my eyes.

"Huh. Are you talking to me because... I thought you were the bitch? Or was I mistaken for the last 3 Years of my life?"

"Oh haha. And by the way, you can have Hiccup. I've found my own man anyway who could beat him anytime."

"Really? And whos the unlucky man? How much did you pay him to save your sorry ass?"

"Huh. Well lets see." She continued. "BABE!" She squealed and in seconds, Snotlout was running to her side.

"You called?" He said flirtaciously to Heather who, I saw, was trying to hide an eye roll. Pshh. Jealous slut.

"Hii Baby. Just that Astrid didn't believe I had someone as good as you." Heather said sweetly

"Huh. You jealous Astrid? You had your chance with me but blew it."  Snot said kissing his 'biceps'

Instead of a retort they were expecting I burst out laughing tears threatning to fall out of my eyes and stomach aching

"OH MY GODS! THIS IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!" I say trying to stop laughing and ignoring the crowd gathering around us.

"A... A JEALOUS BITCH!... AND A DESPERATE GUY! HAHA! PERFECT PAIR!" I yelled crying from laughter and soon, lots of people started laughing too, along with Hiccup who was now standing beside me.

"What did you call us?" Snotlout asked pushing Heather behind him.

"Back off Snot!" Hiccup said backing me up and soon, cheers were heard in the crowd.


"You wanna give them what they want?" I whispered to Hiccup giving him a sly smile which he returned by a nod and smirk.

"Well Snot, you gonna punch me or what?" Hiccup asked stepping towards him leaving me with Heather.

"I'm gonna make your sorry ass you were never born!" Heather snarled going into a fighting stance which, have to say, was on point. Huh. She's had classess. Can't say I havn't either.

"Heather, Heather, Heather. You've only been fighting for three years. I've been fighting my whole life so, hit me with your best shot." I said and smirked when she hesitated.

She leapt forward aiming a blow to my head so I sidestepped and grabbed her hair, yanked it and kicked her to the floor.

"Tell me when you're tired m'kay?" I said teasingly and smiled

"Not even close." She snarled getting back up. I glanced at the boys and saw Snotlout struggling to catch up with Hiccup but that moment was enough for Heather. She punched my stomach and kicked me so I flew to the lockers.

I got back up. "Now this. This is a fight." I said smirking and attacking her non stop looking for an opening. Her stomach was exposed so I punched it which sent her on the ground, grabbed her hair and pinned her onto the floor.

"Are we done?" I growled.

"We...we're done! I give up!" Heather squeaked.

I let her go and saw Hiccup approaching me as equally tired and saw Snotlout on the ground with a broken nose.

"When did you learn to fight like tha?" Hiccup asked

"Dad didn't want me to be defenseless forever so... trained since I was 3.."

"Wooahh.! THAT WAS SO AWESOME ASTRID!" The twins and Fishlegs came to me.

"Thanks guys but, that was nothing." I said shrugging my shoulders and they were all wide eyed.

"I can see my cockiness has rubbed off on you m'lady." Hiccup said wrapping an around my shoulder.

"Yeah. And we should probably run before a teacher comes past!" I say grabbing him and running outside.

"That was waay too close." I said

"Yeah. But, won't another student just say something?"

"Naah. Too scared we'll kick their ass probably."

"You have a very good point."

"Wait... how long till the next class?"

"Well, huh... 30 minutes."

"Good. I need to change."

"Want me to come with you?" He asked

"Yes." I say without thinking and after a second I change it. "NO! NO NO NO! PERV!" I yell and ran back inside looking for Ruffnut.

"Ruff!" I call out to her.

"Ast? Whats up?"

"Can I borrow some clothes?"

"Sure. Here." She said giving me a crop top with shorts.

"Um.. don't you think this shows too much?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"Theres no such thing as too much!"

"Fine. Thanks Ruff." I say running to the bathroom.

I changed into the spare clothes and walked outside to see Hiccup looking at me...

He whistled. "Should have went with you." He mumbled to himself but I could hear him so I hit his head.

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