Loving A Sinner- [Chapter 8]

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I nodded, "I appreciate that."

"Aye, Cairo give me the ball!" Dom yelled.

Dom was Asia's ex boyfriend who cheated on her two and a half years ago.

Cairo paid him no mind and he continued dribbling the ball.

A few girls were watching the guys with flirty looks on their faces. One of them was licking a lollipop seductively as her eyes were glued to Cairo.

One of her friend's eyes were on Dom and another guy.

"What the hell are you looking at?" Asia's voice snapped me out my thoughts.

Before I could answer she followed my gaze and said, "Well, there's nothing you can do about females looking at him, he's not your man."

"I know."

Tisha didn't say anything as she still typed away on her phone. I thought she was texting Terrance until her face changed into a look of irritation, "Who the hell is this girl?? She's starting some shit with me under my damn picture."

"What did she say?" I asked.

"How I'm a hoe and that she had Terrance first. Like bitch, don't you know I will smack the fuck out of you? You know what? Let me go on her page," she typed and clicked away.

"Her location is on too....this bitch is here," she said.

"Here here? At this here park?" Asia asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not going to fight her though. She can say what she wants," she put her phone down.

My eyes wandered until they landed on a familiar someone, "Tisha, isn't that your cousin over there?"

She looked at where I was looking at and she said, "Yeah, Fabrenisha is in town and she's staying with my parents because she sure isn't staying with Terrance and I."

"Oh goodness," Asia sighed in annoyance.


Asia rolled her eyes, "Her? I can't stand that bitch. I've been wanting to smack the hell out of her again since she didn't know how to act. She always got some shit to say."

"I remember when Asia punched her in her face," I laughed.

"Yeah and then she dragged her by her leg," Tisha said as she giggled, "Shit, I don't like Fabrenisha either, but hey. My parents are having a cookout tomorrow and the whole family is coming."

I forgot that her family had those every year. Since her and I weren't on the same page for a while, it didn't really cross my mind.

"Speaking of the damn devil, there she goes right now," she jutted her chin in the other direction.

We turned around and saw Fabrenisha making her way towards us. Her hair was in a thick bun and her clothes looked like she shopped in baby gap since they were a size too small for her.

Her eyes landed on Asia and she scoffed, "Hey Tish, hey Nyree....oh, hi Asia," she said her name with a bored tone.

"Hi Fabric Softener," Asia said with a fake smile.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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