Chapter 20 part 2

Start from the beginning

Me and brad have been dating for a least 4 weeks!

"W-what, wait were you still going out with him after L.A" I asked shocked, I knew what the answer will be.

"Yep, I was, how does it feel to have your heart snapped in two!!?" she shouted in my face, how did I feel. I feel betrayed, how could he do this! I really liked him and then he does this.... my heart is now split in two. I thought he really cared for me and about us. I had no idea brad was like this. all the times he cheated on girls.... I wasn't any different. I was nothing special.

"Um-m I don't really know" I practically whispered. I couldn't get my words out. I felt so broken. A tear was trying to escape my eye but I wouldn't waste a tear for brad, he didn't deserve my tears.

After a painful 2 hours of music I finally got to go home. I ran back to the apartment because all I wanted to do was was cry and cry and cry until there was no tears left. when I got home I was hoping that no one would be in and that the girls would be at the boys but no. I arrived and everyone I mean EVERYONE including brad were all sitting on the sofa.

"Abs, how was your first day?" everyone said running towards me.i through my bag on the floor and ran to my bedroom crying my eyes out, i couldn't even look at brad in the eye, let alone have a argument with him. I shut my door but by the time I could lock it everyone was in my room.

"Abs what's the matter, please tell me, remember you can tell me anything" Connor said, he actually made me feel a lot better. I wanted to tell him but I just couldn't.

"N-nothing" I answered quickly.

"Abbie please" James said with puppy dog eyes.

"It's nothing guys honestly" I said to all of them

"Please" char begged

"No" I replied

"Please" Jess asked. god there so pushy!

"No" I sharply said

"Fine" she said back with puppy dog eyes.

"BRAD CHEATED ON ME, OK? HAPPY NOW!" and with that I was out the door again. I just needed a walk quick, just to calm down and stop crying, I have no idea where Starbucks is, but I won't stop till I find it.

"Abbie please wait, please I can explain" I heard from a distance.



it broke me.

"BRAD CHEATED ON ME, OK? HAPPY NOW!" what have I done, I feel so bad. I really didn't have the guts to brake up with becky when I first met abs, I only picked up the courage to tell her a week ago. me and becky were going out for almost a year and I never really told anyone, I think I told James but that's it. becky was really nice and sweet but we didn't really have that connection that me and abs have always had. abs was special, nice, kindhearted and caring but I just lost her just because of a stupid thing that I should have done a sooo long ago.

I just froze, I couldn't move. after she left I knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life. everyone just stared at me as I ran out to find abs.

"Abbie please wait, please I can explain" I shouted and I was practically running for my life to catch up with Abbie and after about 2 minutes of me chasing her she finally replied.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT BRAD, WAIT ACTUALLY I DON'T CARE, I THOUGHT YOU CARED, I REALLY THOUGHT I WAS DIFFERENT TO ALL THOSE OTHER GIRLS YOU CHEATED ON! brad I really thought you cared about me, you told me I was something special, but there is no way that I am any different to any other girl that you go out with and cheat on!" She shouted, I felt so bad, what have I done? I deserve a slap right now, wait no I deserve a slap and a kick I feel that bad. I am never going to get her back I just feel like I've just thrown all my happiness in the bin!

"Abbie please just please please let me explain" I asked

"What's there to explain brad? that you didn't mean to cheat on me and that you completely forgot you had a girlfriend and you forgot to dump her, brad there is nothing to explain" she sounded so sad, this is the first time I have actually ever seen her sad, shes always been a really happy and fun person so it must be really rare to see her upset.

"A-Abbie please can you forgive me, Im so sorry, I never liked becky as much as you, we had that special relationship that nobody had ever made me feel" I said

"You should of thought of that before you cheated on me then" and with that she was gone. she hated me. I hate me. everyone hates me. It's all my fault and I need to fix it before the fans start to hate me, wait a minute they didn't know about us together, or becky. I think I was safe for now. but Abbie's right I didn't have a reason I was just selfish and I made the complete wrong decision. now It's up to me to fix it.

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