Chapter 1

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How did I get in this predicament?  Well, that's a good question to ask.  I'll give you one answer.  Demenos.  They are real, and they are everywhere.  If you don't believe me, so be it.  It's your loss if you get killed one day and don't know why or how.  I guess all I can do now is tell you my story, and how it came to be.


I suppose you could say that it all started as a normal, regular day.  ( As if I can even think of something that outrageous right now! )  Walking out the front door and out the gate to our house, little did I know that that would be the last time I ever saw my mom or dad.  My family, for that matter.  Actually, screw both statements that are above.  I never saw anybody else again.  

From there on, you could say I strolled through the warm May sun, my chocolate brown hair streaked with blond ( you can thank the sun for that ) swayed softly in the cool, morning breeze.  Now, before you contradict me, yes, I am allowed to walk to school without any supervision.  In fact, most kids in my neighborhood walked to school.  The community was just that tightly packed.  

Well, aside from that, you can say it was an ordinary day up till lunch.  I quickly saw the line for food get shorter and shorter, tied my hair back so it fell flat down my back, a little past my elbows, and got in line.  Just then, my stomach began to protest.

Stomach:  I want food!

Me:  Well, I'm sorry.  Why don't you go get it yourself!

Stomach:  What are you, stupid!

Me: Sigh . . . by calling me stupid, you're calling yourself stupid

Stomach: Err . . . well . . . 

And that's how a normal conversation's day went.  

Well, the think was, even though it was normal conversation, it was a far from normal day.  That became evident when I stepped up to the front of the line, and asked  for the spaghetti.  I heard a groan come from behind the counter, and blinked, rubbing my bright blue eyes.  Winding them, I blinked with disbelief.  The whole scenery had changed suddenly.  

Instead of the warm, affectionate atmosphere of the school cafeteria, what appeared in front of my eyes was a wast land.  Letting the tray drop to the floor, I didn't even notice the single eyeball that looked up to me from the bloody mess on my plate.  How great it would have been to notice it then!

Looking around, it seemed as if somebody had turned off a switch.  The whole day had turned to a dark, green thunderstorm.  What was once a bright, sunny day had turned into a dark, violent storm.  As it started to rain, I hadn't even noticed that instead of water, what rained down was something with a coppery tang, which I didn't taste.  You know why?  Because the was ALREADY a coppery tang in my mouth.  

The only thing that looked somewhat inviting was a large, black mansion up  a gentle slope, partiallyhidden behind a giant, dead tree.  It's skeletal fingers reached upward in the moonlight.  Before you say anything, I know, it was weird.  The raining clouds delivering their bloody mess had been only around the bottom part of the hill, seeming to drive me forward to the mansion.  

Walking warily up the hill, I strode forward, hoping to find a change of clothes inside.  How am I so calm, you ask?  Well, let me tell you this.  I was scared out of my mind.  My hands couldn't stop shaking.

 I'm pretty sure I must have looked like a ghost.  Pale, shaking, drenched in blood.  Steriotypical, you know?  Well, that's where my troubles had just started . . .  


Hey guys.  It's me again.  I hope you are all enjoying my newest release 'Alone in the Dark'.  Please comment if you want me to continue writing!

- Nerr

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