Chapter 1

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Dedicated to : Btsashimi bc she supported me on 'Never Be'

Edited: 04.16.2024

"So-Eun! Over here!" I heard my friends calling me over, confused, I looked around - to see them occupying one of the nearest tables, waving at me enthusiastically.

"Was it just me, or was Professor Kim's exam really hard this time around?" I asked, plunking down on the table, resting my head on Min-Joon's stack of review materials- ignoring his noises of protests, before continuing with a yawn, "I swear I almost fell asleep in the middle of the exam too."

"I'm gonna guess that it's because you've been reviewing non-stop these past few weeks?" Mina suggested with a wry smile.

I shook my head 'no'.

"You're sleepier than normal, you didn't even wake up when we were blasting the latest episode of Moon Lovers" Levi said.

On the other end of our table, Min-Joon was talking to a few of his classmates, gathered around him.

"How did you know that they were the one?" One of them asked him, making me face to look at him in confusion.

"You found your soulmate?" I exclaimed in equal parts excitement and horror. Mina and Levi laughed at my reaction.

"You should've gotten here earlier then, he's been bragging about it non-stop, all morning long," Levi pushed Min-Joon playfully who pushed back.

"To answer your question," He turned to his classmates, "It all happened so quickly- all I know is that when my eyes met his, everything just clicked into place, and then he said phrase I've always heard in my head word for word, and I just knew. If it wasn't him, who could it be right?" Min-Joon's voice was dreamy, filled with fondness.

"And how did he react?" I asked.

"He was shocked, I could see that much, but then he- "He paused, blushing, fanning his face to cool down.

"He smiled at me like he was so relieved and So-Eun, he was so cute I can't even begin to describe it,"

I just laughed at his gushing, ignoring the heavy sinking feeling in my stomach.

Mina squeezed my hand- looking at me with an understanding look.

"That's so yucky, hearing you gush over someone like that," I playfully gagged, stepping out of his reach, making me miss a playful hit on the head.

"I'm pretty sure I put tons of sugar in my coffee but it's still bitter. It must be you." He sassed me, Levi, and Mina snickering at us as I try to dodge Min-Joon's attacks.

I gasped dramatically before sitting down once more. Min-Joon's classmates having disappeared once we started play-fighting.

"I am not bitter - I just need proof," I answered with a pout. Min-Joon raised his eyebrow, gesturing towards himself, and even more pointedly at Levi and Mina.

Levi and Mina have known they were soulmates ever since they were children- when Mina pushed Levi off the swing he was occupying, at the exact same place where Levi's hand-shaped birthmark was, and Levi's child-sized fist hitting Mina's birthmark on her arm.

Being fully bundled up during the winter, there was apparently a panic when both set of parents discovered that their children's marks have significantly faded.

"Quite the scientist, aren't you? I thought you were a marketing major?" Levi laughed.

"Whatever," I grumbled, choosing to lean my forehead on the table instead.

My friends continued with their chatter as I zone-out. What I wouldn't give to be in my own bed right now.

'Oh to be in a cocoon and shut myself from the world' I almost sigh.


My phone started buzzing- notifying me that I need to get to my next- and last class of the day. Thankfully.

With a stretch, I stood up, shaking the drowsiness off, before leaning towards Min-Joon with a smile and a hug.

"I really am happy for you; you know that right?" I asked him, looking him in the eyes. His eyes softened before nodding.

"Of course I do. You do know that soulmate or no soulmate, we just want you to be happy right?" Shaking off the feeling of tears coming up, I nodded.

With a goodbye, I headed off to my next class- which was unfortunately-or perhaps fortunately for me-Philosophy. The teacher was droning on about some bullshit when she called me and discovered I was half-asleep, sending me out of the lecture hall.

The walk home was filled with silence and only my thoughts occupying the time. My headphones were in, but no music playing.

What would I do if I ever meet the one? I'd like to think I'd play it cool and say 'oh yeah cool. You don't have to like me just because of that.'

Would I freeze?

Maybe my entire human body will shatter into millions of tiny fragments?

What if I do meet my soulmate right now but they absolutely hate me?

Do I even want to be in a relationship right now? I'm in my fourth year - do I even have the time to be with my soulmate?

But what if I do have someone fated to be my person? What then?

Thinking, deeply I try to recall the common symptoms of having a soulmate, making a check-list mentally.

Tattoo since birth? Nope.

Handprint birth mark? Nope.

Magic Necklace you find as a child? None.

Hearing voices in your head? I hope not?

With a sigh I sluggishly make my way towards my apartment, dropping my bags on the table and changing my clothes in the quickest possible time and crawling underneath my covers.

Trying to recall if I had any projects or exams due on the next day, I didn't even notice that I had fallen asleep.

I'll be okay, I think- soulmate or no soulmate, I have Mina and Levi and Min-Joon.

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