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Dedicated to : Taeddy95 for supporting 'Never Be'

Edited: 04.16.2024

My mother once said that there will come a time when special people meet their other half, their 'soulmate'.

I grew up listening to my mother tell me stories of princesses and princes falling in love, living happily ever after. My mother always said that one day, I will one day meet my other half, my 'soulmate'.

Now, you may think 'What? There are no such things as soulmates'- believe me, I thought so as well, but every once in a while, there will be people who defy the laws of physics and science to meet their other halves.

For example, there was once a time where this woman from the United States woke up, forgetting how to speak in English and could only speak Japanese, while half-way across the world, her other half spoke in perfect English.

There were also reports of babies being born with the name of their soulmates tattooed on their wrists- no amount of tattoo removal could seem to replace it, the name popping up on another part of the body hours after.

Sometimes, people were born with a handprint of their soulmates where they'd first make contact, (Which I think would be strange and unfortunate if they were in a weird location, like someone's chest for example, but that's just me)

However, even if I had grown up with tales of long-lost soulmates reunited and happily ever after, I cannot seem to believe it- no, I refuse to believe it.

Why, might you ask? Because the one unspoken rule in our society is to never fall in-love with someone who wasn't your soulmate- or at least, not if you can help it.

I have no idea if my mother met her soulmate, I have no idea if she even had a soulmate mark - or had a life-changing adventure with hers, all I knew was that despite all the fairy tales and optimism, I would see her look so melancholic and bitter when she thought I wasn't looking.

Unfair, isn't it? Which is why I'd rather live my life alone rather than experience what she must've gone through.

Until one day, the moment I dreaded most became my reality.


"Think of how much, love that's been wasted
People always trying to escape it,
Move on to stop their heart breaking
But there's nothing I'm running from,
You make me strong

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