Chapter 1

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"Kyrie you play to much" 

"You love me?"

"I mean yea but you playing around with all them dance line hoes"

"Baby,them girls don't mean shit to me me and you riding together since the 7th grade,I've known them for 1 year my heart don't belong to's yours"

"The same thing you say everytime,Kyrie,I'm tired of it .. This ain't one of them love movies where we kiss and it's all love Dovey shit...either you committed or not"

"I'm committed"

" going to bed see ya in the morning by The waterfall"

" you😍"


-2 years later-

Kyrie and Alexia haven't spoke in 2 years ever since that next morning,She had enough of his mess and didn't feel like putting up with it anymore,Kyrie's heart never was the same,his whole out look on love changed,He was never sober unless it was training day,Media day,or a game other than that it was weed and Vodka all day to the next day.

It was 7:03 pm,a Thursday night,The Cavilers had won their eastern conference game and to Celebrate the team was going to the a party downtown at the town's hottest club. Kyrie like always ready to party and celebrate with his team but love wasn't on his mind,he couldn't just seem to get Alexia out his mind but tonight She was the last thing on his mind.

2 hours later

"Chug,Chug Chug" the crowed hollered as Kyrie turned up a whole bottle of Grey goose,Green apple vodka,the sting to his throat was nothing to him he could drink a bottle In a day if he could,the night wasn't over yet and to make things worse was none other than a hater who couldn't get over the fact that his team,The heat didn't make it the finals now mainly Kyrie would just turned the other cheek and walk away but tonight was different,A drunk Kyrie stumbled over to The Heat fan giving a him cold punch to face,kicking him.

"DONT..EVER..SAY..SHIT..TO ..ME...AGAIN" he yelled kicking the fan bloody,Kevin and Jr ran over to Kyrie grabbing him pulling him out the club but it was too late,The police was already there and he arrested on the spot.

The Cavs were celebrating only to be made fun to dye their heartbroken team mate.

It was 12:03am the next morning and Kyrie had a bad hangover from the night before with a headache the size of the basketball,he was sweating like a hard day at work.

"Irving Your free to go"The police said opening the cell letting him out.

"Be careful,stop out of trouble won't ya" He said patting Kyrie on his back to only receive a nod and a smile.

As he stopped by to pick up his items,Kyrie felt a hand on his shoulder and to only notice it was his lawyer,wasn't he glad to see a familiar face but not a happy one.

"Kyrie you gotta stay out of trouble man this is the 5th time this year you've been arrested and you almost closed to bring benched throughout the finals" His lawyer said in anger

Kyrie laughed opening his phone up to see media alerts about him and text messages from his team mates,he sighed locking his phone pretending to listen to his lawyer.

"By the way Kyrie get your act together because by the way it looks you've got a whole lot of child support to pay buddy"

Kyrie stopped to only hear 2 words he never thought he would hear

"Baby Daddy"

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