Arrangements, arrangements and more Arrangements.

Start from the beginning

Namjoon repeated the last four lines and kissed my cheek. " How about we hire you as our song writer? Help us out when we've lost our muse?" I laughed.
" I don't think I'd make a good one though. Lyrics are only a small part of the course I took, it only oops up from time to time since I chose the more practical part of the courses available." I didn't know if he was complimenting me or not since the chorus wasn't that good compared to the verses it was sandwiched in between.

Al the cold rain fade to light and dark
all those tales lose endings and starts
all those passers by pass by no trace at all
all of us deaf and blind, no one could before
see, hear, fell any emotion
what we think is the result of confusion

"Hey look at this" you say,
blissfully inaware
"isn't it fright Some?"
darling you don't know this worlds true scare


" Wait, 'no one could before'? What does that mean? Does it mean people didn't actually feel anything before or what?" I looked at his confused face, his eyebrows knitted together adorably. I pecked at his cheek before continuing to colour code the lyrics.
" I think it represents how people think they can feel something but they don't know what that emotion really is because it's the only thing they've ever known. Like for example, people may think they know what being unhappy is, the opposite of happy, but they really don't because they've never experienced sadness, they're always happy." At least, that was what I thought of the world. I wanted to, but didn't, say that aloud.
" Carry on, this is the fastest I've ever seen someone write lyrics" I continued and finished off the song, discussing the various meanings behind it with Namjoon. Soon after, the others came into the living room and we started the movie.
At some point, Cho fell asleep because I remember Oppa cuddling into me with his arms around a peaceful Cho, which only happened if she was asleep. I could feel my own eyelids growing heavy. Despite the fact that this was the third movie we were watching, no one was getting up to leave. Soon though, the movie finished and Jin turned the light in. The sudden change of light stung my eyes as I reflexively shut them closed. Apparently, I wasn't the only one to feel the burn.
" The light! It burns! My eyes can't take it!" Taehyung Oppa whisper-yelled as he clamped his hand over his eyes. We all burst out laughing before he shushed us, pointing at th sleeping girl in his arm and smiling.
" Ok, then, sleeping arrangements," Jim started, " because our two girls cannot sleep on in the living room forever, the manager-Nims suggested we turn the spare room into a guest bedroom-" he was cut off by Yoongi.
" As long as my sleep isn't disturbed, I'm fine," hew interrupted. Jin gave him an exasperated look before continuing himself.
"Before. Do anything, we need to clean the dorm, and I mean properly, not stuffing things out of sight". The others exchanged glances before Jimin continued where Jin left off.
" So until we get beds for our two lovely ladies," he winked in my direction, earning himself yet another glad form Namjoon and Oppa," they'll either share or take over one of our beds. Me and Hyung have come up with a rota so that we all have fair amounts of time on the couch and I our beds".
He pointed at Hoseok and continued," We decided that we should go in order by age, smallest to oldest, which means Kookie will sacrifice his bed tomorrow whilst Chi sleeps in his bed. Then it'll be Bwi and so on and so on".
"Hold up on that, we have two people without bed and that means two people have to share", Kookie Oppa said. Namjoon whispered an idea in my ear before saying something in Oppa's ear as well.
" How about if me and Cho share my bed and.... Wait! You aren't sleeping with my sister!" He suddenly nursed, waking Cho up. I quickly filled her in on details as Oppa was arguing with Namjoonie-Ya.
" What? You can share your bed with your girlfriend and yet here I am worried that you smith kill me because I'm hugging her now! That's kinda unfair, you knows!" Nmajoon countered.
" Well, she's my sister so it's different!" Oppa countered.
" That's really hypocritical!" Namjoon.
" Sorry but using big words isn't going to change my mind!" Oppa.
" It's not a big word! It's actually appropriate because you get to sleep with your girl and you say I can't!" Namjoon.
" Like I said before! No big words are going to change the fact that you're dating my sister!" Oppa.
" Well so what if I am?! You're dating your sisters best friend!" Namjoon.
" Why are you bringing Choo Choo train into this?!" Oppa.
" Because you brought Mi-Hi in it first!" Namjoon.
"It was your idea!" Oppa.
" Well everyone else was ina dilemma so I decided to put in something usefulness! Unlike you!" Namjoon.
" Stop using big word! And anyways, I was taking care of my jagiya who was asleep!" Oppa.
" I'm not using big words! "Namjoon.
" Both of you cut it out!" Yoongi. Wait, Yoongi? " Mi-Hi, Cho, you can have my bed since it's a double bed. I'll sleep on the couch. Now every one, get the hell out and let me sleep!" He yelled over the two bickering males. They gave each other final glares before the pair got up and got reedy for bed. As soon as they left the room, Yoongi laid down in the couch and made himself comfortable whilst the rest of us chuckled at the scene.
" Hey, pass me a blanket," Yoongi said, taking out his neckpillow. Where do that come from? I passed a blanket to him and he immediately wrapped himself in it. "Thanks, kid" He said before snuggling in betweenness he covers.
" No, thank you for giving up your bed for us," I smiled gratefully as I picked up the bit of the warm thingy that was falling off." I'm not he only sane person here. We have a pink princess, the God of destruction, a happy pony, jam less shrimp, an alien and a golden maknae. If you need anything just feel free to ask. Anything except my neck pillow, no one is allowed to touch that except..." He trailed off, as if he remembered something just then. I probed him to carry on but he shook his head, " some other time, I'm sleepy now." That was all he said before turning to his side. I could see the sadness and guilt in his eyes bout didn't question him further. I was the only one yet to climb into bed and Namjonemerged from his room wondering where I was. I shook my head to say nothing and climbed into bed. My last thoughts were about what Yoongi was hiding,
​​​​​​​A/N: So here we are. From here on, another story will be merged into this one and also, the climax is going to be coming soon. Just a heads up, so,etching extremely out of the blue will be happening and I don't think many of you will like it but hey! My story! Although, if you don't like anything about the story or find somethings confusing, please comment!
Also, for anyone wondering or curious, I wrote the lyrics Mi-Hi wrote in this chapter myself, and it really does have more meaning when you think about it. If you want to know what made me right it then feel free to comment or message me! But you guys don't have to....

anyways, asks for reading and I'll be back soon! Good bye!  

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