"live a little"

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"Wait, you're not seriously trying to put that thing back together, right?" 

Impossible. Totally not possible. 

"Maybe for someone like you, who doesn't know anything about cars, but we actually kinda do." He bragged smugly.

That's what I call a douche everyone. 

Suddenly a sound came out of the woods. We're probably the dumbest people alive.

Trying to make a car work when theres a dinosaur waiting to eat us alive. 

Also not pretty safe since it's making the loudest noise trying to get the engine started. 

"What was that?" I asked. But the asses they are, both ignored me.

"You think it's out there?" Zach asked his little brother. 

What a way to lower the anxiety.

Zach and Gray look at each other inningly. Gray looks scared as hell and as soon as Zach notices that he says

"I mean, I know for a fact, it is not out there, all right? We're...totally safe"

He says, trying to take his brother's fear away.

They keep on looking at each other. 

The development though.

They started out as two guys just getting on each others nerves and developed to actual brothers, taking care of each other.

"Here, go take this. Youre stronger than me" Zach smiled giving him a big weird looking thing. Whatever it was. 

I smiled at their moment. He gave his brother confidence by just a small gesture.

Why do people not get what a simple gesture can do sometimes. 

"What are you smiling at?" He asks.

"Oh you know exactly what im smiling at" I chuckled. 

He mumbled a quick 'Yeah' and kept on turning some things and pulling others. 

I didn't think he'd actually be able to fix this wreck, but I guess he actually did it. 

"Youre a rockstar, how did you do that?"

"A rockstar?" He asked. Wow that's the only thing he heard. 

"Owen and I always say that to each other. We think its way cooler than calling someone strong or great. It shows so much more. 

The ability to change something. Thats what I love about celebritys. When they try to do something, change something.

Maybe even save someone. And that's what youre doing. Youre probably saving our poor asses right now." I ended. 

"You know celebritys?" He asked surprised, totally meaning it. 

"I live in Jurassic world, not on Saturn" I snapped.

"Easy there tiger" He said. 

Tightning one last screw. "All right, Turn it over!" he screamed to Gay, whose sitting at the steering wheel waiting. 

He tries starting the engine and we all look at it expectingly. The bigger was our excitement when it acutally started. 

I jumped into Zach's arms hugging him in happiness.

We all screamed "Whoo" "It works" and "Yeees" at the same time. 

But as soon as this small celebration was over I noticed what I had done. Zach and I looked at each other. 

Fear. // Zach Mitchell {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now